Class Info

  • Date: Nov 21
  • Meeting Info: 2:15 to 5:35
    P 114


Let’s review shake staton gift cards and to go bags and others.

Remaining Schedule (subject to Change)

Type that has shiny energy Class 10

IN class illustrator tutorial on shine.

  • Project 2
    Start: Project 2 > Publication / Magazine spread
  • Home work finish any shake station projects- bring in printed, after class 11 no shake station projects will be accepted.

Bring in a jpeg of magazine spread, we will look at it on screen.

  • Meeting Info: April 11
  • Topic: Work on all final corrections for presentation next week
    Project 2 : Link text and apply styles/ Create a cover

  • Meeting Info: April 18
    Topic: Presentation of ALL Work (project grade)
  • Project 2 : Link Text and apply styles/ Create a cover
  • Meeting Info: May 2
  • Topic: Add front matter and work on final corrections
  • Meeting Info: May 9
  • Topic: Presentations of Project 2: Books (Project Grade)
  • Meeting Info: May 16
  • Topic: TBD


NEW: Multiple page publication

We first need the text for printed publication: PRICELESS
Each one of us will provide a short original story.

Please refer to Class 9 for examples. If you are yet to do. SEND TEXT NOW.

We will create a small publication, and will handle a larger amount of linked body copy. This will include headings and paragraphs.

We will start designing a SAMPLE page once we have all the copy available today.

Create a document 5.5 x 8.5 with 3 pages.

The margins are up to you. Usually a little bigger at the bottom.

Decisions regarding margins vary. Sometimes these depend on the number of pages and binding.

DRAFT TEXT is here to download and use during class

These are examples of a left (verso) and right (recto) spread.

Creating Sample Pages with the longest of every element
We do this by first evaluating the manuscript. WHY?

Take note of all typographical elements that you encounter as you look at all the pages of the text.

Select the longest (in quantity/actual characters):

The longest title

The longest name

The longest story

Once you have selected these. Then you are ready to design your sample pages

Choose typography: Title, name, narrative (body copy)

Consider text transitions (start of text).


General SPECS

  • 5.5 x 8.5
  • Facing pages
  • 2 sided printing
  • Margins
  • Saddle stitch binding and B& W if printing
  • Final number of pages TBD
  • Color variation for digital version

5 to 5:35 Studio Time Work on corrections or Publication.
All work submitted was return with comments.

  • Logotype (returned)
  • Poster (returned) Static and Motion
  • Banners (returned)
  • Calendar of Events will be returned next week with grade and additional comments (but comments one on one provided today)

Due next Class


Completed side by side Left and Right SAMPLE PAGES

Take a screen shot of the inDesign Page with the guides on


Please place in Dropbox


If you owe ANY of the assignments for this semester:
They must be submitted by next week.

GRADES are not changing. This is only for those who owe any missing piece.
F (with value) grade stands.

Print will follow printer’s spreads, rather than logical order of reading

CLASS Last day remarks 🙂

by Prof G

Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class DROPBOX drive unless indicated otherwise. Assignments done or uploaded during class time on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities are due during class and are named and posted as indicated by instructor.