Rick Redznak | D038 | Fall 24

Month: November 2024

Class 9 – FALL 24

Class Info

  • Date: NOV 14, 2024
  • Meeting Info: 2:15 to 5:35
    P 114


  • Grades for after effects, tote bags and to bags are posted
  • Registration for Summer 25: ongoing




Create a Shake Station gift card and envelope to give to your friend.

Card size- H 3.25″ X W 2″

Design front of card only- use copy- HAPPY HOLIDAYS


H 3.5″ X W 2.25






use brand fonts for this copy.

DUE printed next class NOV 21- hand me envelope with gift card.

I am still seeing issues with typeface/kerning/tracking/alignment

2:15 to 4pm: Studio Time / Fix calendar

Let’s review the specs of the calendar and make corrections and adjustments today during class. Why is this important?

The calendar is the one assignment so far that carries typography in larger quantity and body copy. Understanding how to handle typography in volume and it sometimes harder than just designing one or two words, since there are more typographical considerations and decisions to be made.

Check list

  • Go over your files and check the specs. I am providing grades and comments, but this is also your responsibility

    Make corrections, go through this checklist:
  • Size, grid (margins/columns/gutters) are correct
  • Document has 2 pages
  • Page 1 is a commemorative page/poster. This is different from poster 1 .
    Make sure that items are correctly position. On mine I displayed the fold and direction. This can have minimal typography, such as a year /logotype and the words calendar of events
  • Page 2 Is the actual text: intro/ vendors list/general info and dates with events
  • All type is included and follows grid
  • Make sure that you understand the text (the evaluation that we did last week). This establishes every level of typographics that you need to design
    • Micro typography (just look at one date and all its components).
    • Clear visual hierarchy is established and typography reads well.
  • one color

One you finalize your edits, we are going to create the same calendar but a different way.

We will create styles for repeated elements.

This will be for the calendar dates portion only

Go to a small portion that includes dates and two events

FOR MY design this small bit of information contains the following info to styles:

  • Paragraph Styles
    • One Paragraph Style for DATE
    • One Paragraph Style for all other info (Block of Info)
  • Character Styles for
    • One for Time and place
    • One for Description of event
    • One for Italics in text

Participation Activity


First, determine which kind and how many you need

In General

  • Character Styles Include:
    Typefaces/Size/Variations (bold italic width)/Case/ Color/Tracking
  • Paragraph Styles include:
    Leading/ Alignment/Space between paragraphs or entries/Indents/Tabs/Rules (physical line)
    and all the character styles too

Save your files

I’ll go around the classroom- checking that participation activity is complete

Next Steps:

Duplicate your InDesign File

In the new file remove the calendar portion of your design.

Add this edited copy: This is just dates and events HERE

DUE next class:

Completed Calendar with Style Sheets Applied

Package file- same as last week

This time call your folder


Place in Dropbox


Text for next assignments/project: Publication PRICELESS

On the body of an email, provide the following text on the following format:

Title of your item or story
your name
1 or 2 paragraphs which talks about a “priceless” object that you have.

Here are some examples. Keep short and concise.

The Only Thing That Remains
ā€”Ruth G. (edited by Prof G for length)

I had all my memoirs of my grandmother in a storage unit.  Clothes she made me when I was growing up, baby pictures of the both of us, so much more.  October 2012, when hurricane Sandy hit, I lost everything.  The storage unit where all my grandmothersā€™ memoirs were located ended up getting flooded.  I couldnā€™t go to the unit for days, but which each passing day, everything was getting ruined.  I had lost nearly every single thing I had to remember my grandmother. 

Losing nearly everything that was saved for years was really unbelievable.  I cried for weeks, months.  The only thing I had to remember her by was her necklace and her ring she gave me for my 15th birthday.  I cherish her necklace and her ring so much because itā€™s all that I have left to remember her now.  Itā€™s something that can never be replaced with anything else in the world.  The necklace and ring remain on my neck.  Never have I taken it off since the day I received it. Itā€™s all I have left and itā€™s something I donā€™t want to lose.  When I hold it on my hands it puts a smile on my face because I know it makes her happy knowing how much I cherish her jewelry. 

Mickey Mouse
ā€”Farina J

As a young child, I loved to keep memories in any way possible. Even now I find myself doing so on special occasions.  I would hold onto an item to help remind me of that particular time. From time to time I would clean things out, but there is one particular item that will always stay and that is my Mickey Mouse doll. The reason why I hold onto this doll is because I love Disney/Mickey Mouse, but most importantly my grandfather gave him to me. 

At a young age, my doll kept me company and was something I could hold when I went to sleep. Knowing that he was an inanimate object, I could tell him all my secrets without worrying. As I grew older, he became more of an object that reminds me of my grandfather. He always made jokes and had a smile on his face. He was the fun one who watched wrestling with the kids. As I grew older, the doll becomes more of a reminder of how lucky I am to have been able to have that relationship with my grandfather. I keep my Mickey Mouse on my shelf now as it has ripped in a few places. I have had to patch him back up, but he is in great shape after 15+ years. This doll will definitely be with me for many more years to come as it holds a special place in my heart.

Grandma’s Little Picture
–Maria G

I have a tiny photograph of my grandmother when she was just a little kid. This photo was taken around 1913. Although it might not have much value, it is one of my most priceless possessions. Of course, when I met my grandmother, she was already an adult. Sometimes we do not think of our parents or grandparents as little kids. This image allowed me to do that and to see her in a different way. Somehow it transports me back in time. It sparks my curiosity about how was her life then. Did she like to talk or sing and dance? Was she a picky eater? What was her favorite toy? Most importantly it is a reminder of the great love that we shared for each other.


Print will follow printer’s spreads, rather than logical order of reading

CLASS Last day remarks šŸ™‚

by Prof G

Graphic AssignmentsĀ are always dueĀ the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class DROPBOX drive unless indicated otherwise. Assignments done or uploaded during class time on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities are due during class and are named and posted as indicated by instructor.

Class 8 – Fall 2024

Class Info

  • Date: NOV 7
  • Meeting Info: 2:15 to 5:35
    P 114


  • Let’s review tote bags printed and place after effects files in drop box.
  • Home work- updated tote, after effects and make to go bag mock up printed.
  • Assignments have very specific NAMING and SAVING conventions and folders with names, no loose files. Moving forward -15 points if instructions are not followed.


  • What is a manuscript or text evaluation?
    • This will determine all the typographical elements that you will have to design. There are similar and multiple levels of typographical hierarchy on this calendar. YOU WILL need to look at the actual text for this and take notes
  • Type Pairing
    Determine use of typefaces that go well together, in addition to be accurate to the look of the Festival and the rest of your typographical identity
    (max of two plus their variations)
  • If easier, consider style sheets for repeated elements.
    There are two main kinds: paragraph and character style sheets
  • One color document in InDesign / COLOR and Typography
    Foreground and background relationship (text and textures or text and color)

Participation Activity

Lets work on the SHAKE STATION To GO Bag in class, I emailed you the ai file.

Bring in next class 2 different art directions- printed and mocked up on 11×17 paper. Needs logo/fonts/ colors

even add a message if you want.


This looks similar to what we did a couple of weeks ago in Illustrator, but this time using InDesign. Different way of obtaining similar results. Color and legibility of typography.

1 color in InDesign

First take an image and bring it into Photoshop
Create a Greyscale version of it and save it as an JPEG

Then go to Indesign/ Create an 5 x 5 inches document

.5 margins all around

Place art into Indesign

Create a 1 color color swatch in InDesign (spot color from cmyk)

Follow demo

Go to COLOR SWATCHES> Create a spot color with a CMYK recipe
With Selection tool- select none (or if adding a color select its tint)
With the Direct Selection tool (making sure a little hand shows up first), selected color and tint
Add a few words, USE the same color and change their contrast.

Take a screenshot and place in Participation Activity

  • Make a new post:

    ADD title  ā€œColor IDā€

    Under the GEAR to the right of the screen GO to DOCUMENT>CATEGORIES, then check the following categories: 
    ā€œStudent Post ā€ and ā€œParticipation Activityā€

    Add your image as a JPG:
    •   ā€œyourlastname_firstname_PA_march21_colorIDā€
  • PUBLISH (Open lab has a little delay when posting. Avoid posting numerous times)


Design Continuity

logotype/poster/banners//poster in motion

Calendar of Events (2 sided printed version)
Include all text provided Festival’s vendors, events, dates and times (cannot be edited)

This will also serve as a commemorative poster of the festival

During Class:

Create a document for B5V-Calendar of Events

  • Specs:
    11″ x 17″ document
    Margins: .5 inches all around
    8 columns with .25″ gutter (add rows if you want them to be part of your grid)
    2 pages / NO FACING PAGES
  • Must place guides on Parent Page A
  • 1 color only (to resemble offset printing)
  • Image is optional
  • Logotype must be included
  • One side will include all the typographical information of the calendar
  • The other side will serve as a commemorative poster (do not repeat your other posters), vary the look
  • Once our grid is completed, place the actual text
  • (this text must STRICTLY follow the grid)
  • All the text must remain linked at all times


Here are a few of my examples. Please create your own. Your calendar should not look like this. I started by dissecting the information and determining hierarchy within the grid.

WE WILL PRINT TODAY during class, so you can appreciate the size of your type

Due next class

COMPLETED Calendar of Events

This will be graded.

Moving forward you will strive for a solid and complete design.

Save your InDesign File & Package IT

I will collect a folder (packaged folder) that will include: InDesign native file, PDF, IDML file and typefaces and links to the main file


Place in Dropbox
DROPBOX COMD3527 Spring 24

How to package review:


Print will follow printer’s spreads, rather than logical order of reading

CLASS Last day remarks šŸ™‚

by Prof G

Graphic AssignmentsĀ are always dueĀ the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class DROPBOX drive unless indicated otherwise. Assignments done or uploaded during class time on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities are due during class and are named and posted as indicated by instructor.