There was nothing that I did this summer was fun, because of the pandemic that has been going on. I’ve been staying home mostly to be safe during the pandemic and I only go out with my parents to only go grocery shopping. So there’s nothing fun that I did outside, other than staying home and have my eyes glue to the screen of my computer the whole 5 months of pandemic. The only thing that make me feel good and happy this summer was my friends, I’ve been going through tough times during the summer and I’ve been having personal life issues that I’m too scared to say and go through alone and my friends are the one who cheered me up and make me feel more confident about myself and comfort me.

From the three stories I have read so far, my favorite would have to be “The Lottery”. The reason why I choose ” The Lottery”, was because it took an unexpected turn and it was shocking and interesting at the same time. When I read the story, I was thinking ” this isn’t gothic at all”, to me; I thought it was a normal story until, I read up to the ending, I realized everything took a turn and I was taken by surprised. I like how the narrator add a little surprise to the ending and how narrator manipulated the story by adding a beautiful sunny day in the beginning of the story and having the readers or audiences thinking that it’s just a normal story until they read to the end. I think it’s very creative and in the story, it also hinted that some characters think the lottery isn’t a good idea, and that they wanted to quit the lottery, there’s a little hint in the story that allows the reader to guess what’s going to happen, which I find it interesting. In the story ” The Lottery”, they didn’t explain, the consequences of some people; who refuse to do the lottery tradition or the reason why they must do the tradition in the first place or they could just leave it alone. It makes me question about the story over and over again, about the real reason why they did it, or what would happen if they didn’t do the tradition, and it was very interesting to me as well.