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Category: Coffeehouse #3 (Page 2 of 2)

Coffeehouse #3

Rosalie Otterbourne threw alcohol she found that was her mothers. Her mother has a drinking problem and Rosalie wants to help her mother. Her mother began drinking when her books weren’t selling as much. Rosalie wanted to protect her mothers reputation and not make it seem as if her mother has a drinking problem. In chapter 19 she says “People think I’m awful. Stuck-up and cross and bad-tempered. I can’t help it. I’ve forgotten how to be – to be nice.” Rosalie has sacrificed her own reputation to protect her mothers and that speaks volumes of who she truly is as a person.

Mohamed Zokari 1-Who is Tim Allerton, and what is his relationship with his mother like?(Chapter 1, Section 8)

Tim Allerton is Joanna’s 2nd cousin and the son of Mrs. Allerton, Christe introduces them while they are in Majorca. Tim says how he is interested to make a visit to Egypt, but his mother is doubtful because she believes that it’s too expensive. Tim and his mother argue about whether the trip to Egypt is a good idea, this makes Tim say he will pay for the expenses of the vacation. Tim begins to talk about how he got a letter from the stock exchange, but his mother knows that the letter is from Joanna because of the handwriting. Mrs. Allerton doesn’t like Joanna much, she doesn’t think that Tim is in love with Joanna but the relationship they have with each other makes Mrs. Allerton uncomfortable and quite annoyed because she feels like Joanna draws Tim’s attention away from her. Tim and his mother have a strong mother and son relationship, as the novel states “he and his mother were such perfect companions that the sight of him absorbed and interested in another woman always startled Mrs Allerton slightly”(Christe Page 36). Clearly, this demonstrates how attached she is to her son and how she gets annoyed and concerned if she sees Tim showing more affection and attention to someone else.

Aleks Ifraimov – Who is Mr.Ferguson really and who does he want to marry?

Mr.Ferguson is secretly Lord Dawlish,  a young rich lord with high social status. He only pretends to be Mr.Ferguson, a name he given to himself as it portrays a much poorer man. His reasoning for portraying himself as poor has to do with his hatred for the rich. People like Linnet. Specially, he does not like capitalism and anything associated with it – even though he himself is the exact thing he claims to hate.

Secondly, he proposes many times to Cornelia, but Cornelia refuses to marry him. Her refusal to marry him are most likely due to his low social status, even though, he is secretly rich.


19) Tommy Buri’s Response to Chapter 31

In chapter 31 the Karnak ends up in Shellal where they begin to mention that Simon Doyle needs a stretcher from his injuries. Once he is finally placed onto a stretcher Simon was moved along the deck. Then Jacqueline appeared and followed Simon’s stretcher and they begin to talk. Simon says, “I messed it up” and apologized to Jackie. While Jackie responds with calmness saying “It’s all right, Simon,” then all of sudden she pulls out a weapon from her stocking and shot Simon Doyle. Simon’s body is on the stretcher with no pulse, Jackie looks at Poirot and shoots herself in her chest. In conclusion, Jackie and Simon died when they landed at Shellal in a similar way to Romeo and Juliet, Jackie killed herself once she knew Simon was gone just like Juliet killed herself once she realized Romeo was already dead.

It seems HP knew that Jackie had two pistols, why does he let her keep the second one? Ch 31

Warning, SPOILER ahead.

Being carried on a stretcher was a “cringing” and “frightened” Simon Doyle who lost his “boyish insouciance.” He frantically apologizes to Jacqueline for revealing their plans. Jackie reassures Simon by telling him it was ok — “a fool’s game, and we’ve lost. That’s all.” She pulls a second pistol out from her sock and proceeds to shoot Simon and herself. Mrs. Allerton asks Poirot if he knew of the second pistol to which he admits that he did. Poirot realized that Jackie managed to slip the second pistol into Rosalie’s bag during the day of the search. Jackie later retrieved the gun from Rosalie’s cabin. Mrs. Allerton asks Poirot if he wanted Jackie to go out the way she did, to which he responds, yes. He understood how she felt and what she would do. He allowed her to go out the way she wanted and stated that “Simon Doyle has died an easier death than he deserved.”

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