Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

“Iran” by Mohamed Zokari

Iran is a country in the Middle East and is also for a brief period of time was called Persia but was later changed to Iran. The story “The Complete Persepolis” takes place in Iran during the 1980s which is right around the time the Iran and Iraq war starts. Marji’s story details how impactful the war was to her and her family, the first chapter of the story shows the very beginning of the tension build-up which eventually lead to a breakout of the war and the beginning of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The majority of the people living in Iran are Muslims, as you can see in the story especially in the first chapter “The Veil” there is a conflict between people who support wearing the veil and those who are against wearing the veil. This creates tension within Iran and Iraq which later start to attack each other as you can see in the 11th chapter “The F14s” when Iraq sends bombs to Tehran.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for the definition.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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