Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

Islamic Revolution of 1979

The Islamic Revolution of 1979 dealt with Islamist revolutionaries going against western policies from the authoritarian Shah of Iran. The people of Iran began to protest this social injustice and forced a hold on all these new policies which made them go from being a United States ally to an opposing force against them. There were immediate strikes and protests in 1979. In January of 1979, the Shah of Iran left and people celebrated this as a victory and a change in the system. Thus, the monarchy was eliminated, and the Islamic Republic took its place. This event has a heavy influence on the story of Persepolis as the Islamic Revolution is the main issue of the story. The story begins with Marjane showing all her peers and explains after this revolution all the girls had to wear veils. Then the next page she explains how the boys and girls were separated at school due to the impacts of the revolution. The Islamic Revolution of 1979 is essential throughout Persepolis as Marjane suffers the aftermath from it.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for the definition.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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