ENG 2400
April 22th 2021
Homework: Read Acts II and III of Othello, then write Coffeehouse #3. Directions: Write your answers in the Category Coffeehouse #3 [Details: Number each answer; write approximately 50 words for each question; 20 points total; 4 points each]
1–Othello is wanted in Act 1 scene 2 for two reasons. What are they? Be specific and use proper names.
Othello is wanted regarding an issue/war that happened in Cyprus (A set off land). Men were sent out to find him but he wasn’t at his lodgings. Then soldiers arrive with intent to arrest Othello for “bewitching” Desdemona, which Brabantio (Desdemona’s father) leaves it up in the hands of the duke for Othello’s sentence.
2– What is the meaning of Iago’s statement:
“I am not what I am.” [line 67]
When Iago speaks about following and remaining loyal but yet being true to himself and not just mindlessly following. He is in charge of his own fate. When he follows what he believes, having heart on his sleeve till the end. Only God can judge him. “I am not what I am” is him knowing the way he is portrayed is different. He differs from that.
3–Why does Brabantio say to Othello:
“She has deceived her father, and may thee” [line 650]
Brabantio realizes his daughter’s (Desdemona) obedience. She’s standing with Othello and that Desdemona was “half the wooer” . It’s a mutual love and she’d like to support her husband. Brabantio is pretty defeated and feels betrayed by his daughter and says this to also add that inevitably she deceived him and so will Othello.
4–Why does Iago want to get Cassio drunk? See Act 2 Scene3
Knowing Cassio’s behavior when drunk is leverage that can be used for Iago. Iago wants to get Cassio drunk to then take advantage of the situation, get him riled up to fight and ultimately get Cassio fired.
5–What is significant about the handkerchief Emilia finds? See Act 3 Scene 3
The handkerchief Emilia finds symbolizes the love and relationship between Othello and Desdemona. It’s Othello’s first gift to her and it’s a heirloom passed down. If the wife no longer has this treasured item, the love will be gone. The handkerchief represents the love and loyalty Desdemona has for Othello and Emilia is aware of this.