Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

Author: Shanna Mohan

Shanna Mohan CoffeeHouse #3

ENG 2400

April 22th 2021

Homework: Read Acts II and III of Othello, then write Coffeehouse #3. Directions: Write your answers in the Category Coffeehouse #3 [Details: Number each answer; write approximately 50 words for each question; 20 points total; 4 points each]

1–Othello is wanted in Act 1 scene 2 for two reasons. What are they? Be specific and use proper names. 

Othello is wanted regarding an issue/war that happened in Cyprus (A set off land). Men were sent out to find him but he wasn’t at his lodgings. Then soldiers arrive with intent to arrest Othello for “bewitching” Desdemona, which Brabantio (Desdemona’s father) leaves it up in the hands of the duke for Othello’s sentence.

2– What is the meaning of Iago’s statement:

“I am not what I am.”  [line 67]

When Iago speaks about following and remaining loyal but yet being true to himself and not just mindlessly following. He is in charge of his own fate. When he follows what he believes, having heart on his sleeve till the end. Only God can judge him. “I am not what I am” is him knowing the way he is portrayed is different. He differs from that.

3–Why does Brabantio say to Othello: 

“She has deceived her father, and may thee” [line 650]

Brabantio realizes his daughter’s (Desdemona) obedience. She’s standing with Othello and that Desdemona was “half the wooer” . It’s a mutual love and she’d like to support her husband. Brabantio is pretty defeated and feels betrayed by his daughter and says this to also add that inevitably she deceived him and so will Othello.

4–Why does Iago want to get Cassio drunk? See Act 2 Scene3

Knowing Cassio’s behavior when drunk is leverage that can be used for Iago. Iago wants to get Cassio drunk to then take advantage of the situation, get him riled up to fight and ultimately get Cassio fired.

5–What is significant about the handkerchief Emilia finds? See Act 3 Scene 3

The handkerchief Emilia finds symbolizes the love and relationship between Othello and Desdemona. It’s Othello’s first gift to her and it’s a heirloom passed down. If the wife no longer has this treasured item, the love will be gone. The handkerchief represents the love and loyalty Desdemona has for Othello and Emilia is aware of this.

Shanna’s Translation Essay Draft

Shanna Mohan

Professor Scanlan

ENG 2400

April 9th 2021

DRAFTED Translation Essay 


Introduction: Breaking down, “It had to be Murder” by Cornell Woolrich and the film adaptation, “Rear Window” by Alfred Hitchcock, both beautifully done pieces. With the film adaptation more or less a proper resemblance to the written original. Using Linda Cahir’s three types of literature to film translation technique, It’s difficult to say the film version falls into just one of the three categories. What would be more fitting is a combination of both, traditional and radical translations. This is because, traditionally, “Rear Window” stays on track of the Woolrich story, just with extra flair. However overall, it stays true to the original in terms of, storyline, setting and tone. On the other hand one can consider the radical aspect connected to this piece of work, which in this case would mean, the written text is quite reshaped in the film adaptation. Some details left out, added or completely changed. Parts of the film can be looked at as its own individual piece of work due to changes. Such as characters, mood and editing playing a role. Having some tweaks in the Film that steer off course from the written text would mean it falls into a mix of Traditional and Radical translation. 

  • Add briefing of the film and story in the beginning, give quick context and run down of both


Body paragraph #1: 

Traditional aspect + Five part reading tool 

  • Ending scene/catching Thorwald (Traditional in terms of following script, ending pretty much the same as written work. Same-ish outcome.)


  • Spying on Thorwald/ the music that plays adds extra emphasis that written work does not capture. (Traditional in terms of stylistic choice that filmmaker saw as fitting) (But still ultimately same string of events playing out just like in text)


  • Setting, symbols, and plot structure remains the same, just embellished. Mention lighting & non diegetic sound


Body paragraph #2: 

Radical aspect + Five part reading tool

  • Pull piece of written work showing 1st person versus piece from the film showing 3rd person


  • Mention mise-en-scene and MacGuffin


  • Make character and point of view part of the discussion


Conclusion… i think:

  • Justice of ending (Five part reading tool / Theme)


  • Lessons of film and text version ^


  • Wrap it back to translations, how both pieces tie into each other with the film adaptation although altered stays true to the result of the story.


  • maybe enjoyment of both / why people enjoy it (just as like a closing line or two, we’ll see)

Shanna’s Recommendation! :)


This is my movie recommendation!

Parasite, 2019, directed by Bong Joon-ho.

What starts off as a pretty lighthearted, funny movie in the beginning. The viewer can somewhat get quickly met with a whirlwind of emotions throughout the whole film.

You get introduced to a low income family in South Korea scheming ways to work for a rich well off family, all finding creative methods to get hired. 

Once that peak of happiness passes, the movie takes a twisted turn relating to both families and putting a lot of attention on social class and wealth. It’s a wild movie from start to finish, all flowing so naturally and hitting different genres, comedy, thriller, and lightly touching on horror. 

I suggest this movie for anyone who is okay with getting mind-screwed from its plot and well executed manipulation from the director.

I assure you, the suspense and humor will keep you both engaged and on the edge of your seat!!


Important facts

  • Foreign film therefore it will have subtitles.
  • It won Academy Award for Best Picture.
  • It’s currently available on Hulu, if anyone is very interested in checking it out!

Film-lit #1: Yellow Wallpaper/Owl Creek

SHANNA MOHAN 2/18/2021

For what both works are, as is, emphasizes mindset and the mental space of who the reader is following.

In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, I think the time isn’t important. It’s meant to show it’s fading away, just like the woman’s sanity. It was meant to be spending a summer in this big house, colonial type of house, pretty isolated being away from the village. Everything is kept neat like the outdoor space/garden. I think this, the description of the house, shows an accurate representation of the story that is about to unfold about this lonely lady, that is slowly questioning her wellbeing. The house is alone, has barred windows, paint stripping off the walls and this dull yet irritating pattern on walls. I think this all can be applicable in describing the protagonist. She’s so horrendously offended by the “artistic sin” that’s being showcased throughout the house. This exact thing, deeply affects her. Just in the way she describes it, the words she uses “suicide”, “destory themselves”, “provoke”, and “repellent/revolting”, she so strongly says she would hate it if she spends more time in the house. But she becomes more alone in the house, days passing, struggling to reach her own goal of writing and the room, the house as an environment is depressing her. Which makes sense, I think your surroundings are a really important factor into someone’s mental state. As a theme, I think it hits on mental health, being a woman, what seems like a failing partner/draining relationship where she’s unable to be honest and feels almost in debt that her significant other is doing so much for her.

In “An occurrence at owl creek”, I’m split between the focus of this short story so far from it being about the timing, and it being about this man who is observing his surroundings before he himself has to die. On the other hand, time of being alive is having it’s spotlight. I think once there’s a conversation about death, passing, after life, moments living up to one’s unlikely demise, then there is some importance about time. There is a description that adds to this “what he heard was the ticking of his watch”. Of course seeing people being hung, avail dropped on them, seeing death in people’s eyes will affect this character. It sounds like he’s well aware and maybe beyond a state of shock and empathy. There’s death all around, soldiers for wartime, slaves. Pain adding to this growing acknowledgement of death, and I think hyperfocusing on that only deteriorates one’s mental state. I think this shows a lot about war, the historical significance, even god. When he’s running, he’s basically praying that he gets out of this. There’s this imagery of his beautiful wife with feminene garments and then the reader is suddenly hit over the head with Farquhar’s death, laying broken and bruised.