
–return quiz 3

–class questions

–watch film to midpoint

–questions over final essay if time

HOMEWORK DUE WEDNESDAY, DEC 7: Read to page 283 and answer these questions in your notebook and be ready to read your answer in class for participation points.

1–Malia: In chapter 9, who wants Linnet to sign some legal documents and does she decide to do?

2–Miles: What near death incident happens in chapter 10; describe it.

3–Tevin: Who is Colonel Race, and why is he in Egypt?

4–Raymond: Who shoots who in chapter 12 and who else is in the room?

5–Thomas: Who is found dead in Chapter 13, and what has been stolen from her?

6–Julia: What murder weapon has gone missing, and where was it last seen?

7–Olivia: What is found in the Nile and what two other objects are found with it?