So far along in Persepolis, the Moscow chapter has been my favorite. I enjoyed having a new character introduced, Uncle Anoosh, which Marjane worships. I enjoyed being able to hear his story and see Marjane so fascinated with him. In true child nature, Marjane wants to have more of whatever her fellow peers have. Seeing her be proud to have a family member that has been through, seemingly, more suffering than Laly’s father. I remember acting this way as a child so this definitely made me laugh as I was reading it. I thought it was especially funny when Uncle Anoosh would say something about him being in prison for nine years and Marjane would think to herself “Wow, more than Laly’s father!” while still saying something polite to Uncle Anoosh. This gives us a great deal of insight into Marjane’s priorities and, while she may be very proud to have Uncle Anoosh as a family member, she clearly has ulterior motives for wanting to know his story. This was a great chapter to come to learn more about Marjane’s family and get to know Uncle Anoosh.