
–We will continue to fill in the character list below

–Then we will read through Coffeehouse #3

–Q and A over the first 8 chapters

HOMEWORK DUE TUESDAY, NOV 22: Prepare for quiz 3 which will be over American Spy (up to page 134 — chapter 12). This is a reading quiz which means that if you read carefully, take some notes, and know the major characters and plot points, you should be able to get 100% on it.





Tommy and William Mitchell–twins, Marie’s kids.

Marie Mitchell-FBI agent in NYC, has worked for the CIA two times

Irena: Marie’s neighbor

Agathe: Marie’s mom, lives in Martinique

Helene: Marie’s sister, older

Aisha: snitch

Jim Ali: Bill’s friend; he works for the FBI

Marie’s dad–Bill

Rick Gold–Marie’s boss at the FBI (ASAC)

Leon–Agathe’s dad (American WWII soldier–white)

Sido–Agathe’s sister


Robbie Young–Marie’s first boy friend

Helene: Marie’s sister, older 2

Fred Hampton–activist who was assassinated by?


Daniel Slater:??

Thomas Sankara

Blaise Campoare:

Ed Ross:




–Setting: Connecticut, New York City, Martinique, Harlem

–Narration: Marie who is writing a long set of letters to T/W

–Plot:  intruder-M shoots him; then to Martinique; family history; Helene and hunting incident

–Style: murder mystery, spy thriller


HOMEWORK DUE THURSDAY, NOV 17: COFFEEHOUSE #3: Write a 100 word paragraph for each of your two study guide terms–so, 200 words total. Make sure to indicate where you got the information and make sure to provide your name. Make sure to select the correct Category “Coffeehouse #3.” If your term is easy to define/summarize, then state how the term relates to the novel.

Ali:  FBI, Herbert Hoover

Angelo: Cold War, Year of the Spy (1985)

Yerime: Sharon Scranage, Communism

Mandy: CPUSA, Malcolm X

Taha: Cointelpro, Fred Hampton

Courtney: ASAC, Patrice Lumumba Coalition

Mike: Interdits, Ghana,

Kevin: CIA, Basic Training

Muhammad: Black Panthers, Thomas Sankara

Mahmoud: Ian Fleming, John Le Carre

Jeily: United Nations, coup

Ousain: megalomaniac, ideology