Author: Professor Sean Scanlan (Page 1 of 4)

Class Info for Thursday, Dec 15

Today we will submit the Final Essay and discuss the last class, which is Tuesday, Dec 20.

Note 1: if you are unable to submit it during class, you may email the essay to me. Make sure to submit it by midnight on Thursday (12/15) at the latest.

Note 2: any late work must be submitted or posted by midnight tonight (12/15).

Class Info for Thursday, Dec 8

Note: my last office hours will be this Monday (Dec 12) from 10-12. See sidebar for details.


1–Freewrite 1: What do you need in order to finish the semester on a strong note?

2–Freewrite 2: What is confusing or frustrating about the Final Essay?

3–Share first paragraph of Final Essay with class.

4–Exchange the paragraph with classmates for review and ideas.

5–One-on-one help with Prof. Scanlan.

HOMEWORK for Tuesday, Dec 13: Post the complete first page of your final essay. In order to get all ten points, please include: Name, original title, intro to your paper and the novel, thesis, method, and beginning of the first comparative paragraph. Post to category: “Coffeehouse #4”

Class information for Thursday, Dec 1


–Explore Burkina Faso article on Wikipedia

–Discuss chapters 19-22

–Final Essay Help:

A–Formulate the essay by scenes or by characters. Then once this selection is made, I recommend exploring the ethics within the scenes and/or character decisions.

B–Research component: I recommend using the two outside sources as context or to help illustrate a point rather than making too much of the essay about the library source. The novel and the ethics handout should be front and center.

HOMEWORK due Tuesday, Dec 6: Finish the novel and bring in at least two questions for participation points. 


Class info for Tuesday, Nov 22


–What is a concrete example?

–Quiz 3

–Discuss the dinner scene

HOMEWORK due Tuesday, November 29: Read:

1–Assignment instructions for Essay 3 (Assignments)

2–5 Types of Ethics handout (Readings)

3–Up to page 207–up to chapter 19– in American Spy. Be ready to discuss what has happened to Marie and Thomas for participation points.

Class Info for Tuesday, Nov 15 and 17


–We will continue to fill in the character list below

–Then we will read through Coffeehouse #3

–Q and A over the first 8 chapters

HOMEWORK DUE TUESDAY, NOV 22: Prepare for quiz 3 which will be over American Spy (up to page 134 — chapter 12). This is a reading quiz which means that if you read carefully, take some notes, and know the major characters and plot points, you should be able to get 100% on it.





Tommy and William Mitchell–twins, Marie’s kids.

Marie Mitchell-FBI agent in NYC, has worked for the CIA two times

Irena: Marie’s neighbor

Agathe: Marie’s mom, lives in Martinique

Helene: Marie’s sister, older

Aisha: snitch

Jim Ali: Bill’s friend; he works for the FBI

Marie’s dad–Bill

Rick Gold–Marie’s boss at the FBI (ASAC)

Leon–Agathe’s dad (American WWII soldier–white)

Sido–Agathe’s sister


Robbie Young–Marie’s first boy friend

Helene: Marie’s sister, older 2

Fred Hampton–activist who was assassinated by?


Daniel Slater:??

Thomas Sankara

Blaise Campoare:

Ed Ross:




–Setting: Connecticut, New York City, Martinique, Harlem

–Narration: Marie who is writing a long set of letters to T/W

–Plot:  intruder-M shoots him; then to Martinique; family history; Helene and hunting incident

–Style: murder mystery, spy thriller


HOMEWORK DUE THURSDAY, NOV 17: COFFEEHOUSE #3: Write a 100 word paragraph for each of your two study guide terms–so, 200 words total. Make sure to indicate where you got the information and make sure to provide your name. Make sure to select the correct Category “Coffeehouse #3.” If your term is easy to define/summarize, then state how the term relates to the novel.

Ali:  FBI, Herbert Hoover

Angelo: Cold War, Year of the Spy (1985)

Yerime: Sharon Scranage, Communism

Mandy: CPUSA, Malcolm X

Taha: Cointelpro, Fred Hampton

Courtney: ASAC, Patrice Lumumba Coalition

Mike: Interdits, Ghana,

Kevin: CIA, Basic Training

Muhammad: Black Panthers, Thomas Sankara

Mahmoud: Ian Fleming, John Le Carre

Jeily: United Nations, coup

Ousain: megalomaniac, ideology


Class Info for Thursday, Nov 10


–Freewrite: What went well and not so well in terms of the Explication Essay

–Turn in Explication Essay

–Begin American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson (2019)

–Mini lecture on novel and how to read




Read this book review, as it is helpful in setting out some of the ideas we will explore such as passing and Cold War.

From The Washington Post-Am spy review

READ UP TO PAGE 48…and be able to describe each character.

Read a little each day and take notes. After you finish a chapter, write down five things that happened. Use the 5-part reading tool.

Reading Schedule:

N-15–read to page 48–up to ch 6

N-17–to page78–ch 8

N-22 –to page134—ch 12

N-29–to page207—ch 19

D-1–to page242—ch 23

D-6–to page 289 (finish)

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