Essay 1 –First Draft Outline.

My home is a rowhouse building so its always quiet around my neighborhood. I stay on the third floor which is even quieter since I’m more up from the street. I live by myself, but I stay with others who are barely home, so I pretty much get the whole house to myself where I’m able to think and be lonely. Most of the time I’m in my room which is good because that should tell you I enjoy my own company. Even myself I’m barely home. My current intellectual home is process because most of the time when I need to study for an exam or write an essay it’s hard for me to find something to focus on because my mind will be over the place. I would do a lot of research which helps sum up the problems and doodling is something that I also do that helps me come up with ideas for a project or essay. I felt the essay “where I learned to read” because when Scibona wanted to be good at reading, he told his prof. he will read anything if wants him to in order to be great. I felt that because I’m someone who always strive to be the best at something when I start doing. What is my ideal intellectual home? I think it would be a person because just imagine someone who is always there for you to keep you focused and motivated, doesn’t complain about it and just do it out their kind heart.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan


    Thanks for this draft. I like the description of home and suggest that perhaps place is important to you. Your writing on process could use more descriptive language. I’m not sure if your reading of Scibona is accurate…unless you are talking about his change upon entering St. John’s.

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