Essay 1


Taha Hamdan 

My intellectual home isn’t a specific place since many of the processes that I take should be the version of my own intellectual home. The reason for this is because no matter the setting or the time that I would take in order for me to understand the assignment/ work that I have to complete it , it would not matter since many of my biggest feats in studying were all while I was stressing about how much time it would take me to do . Since I’ve been trying to do some research on myself which is something new that’s what I came to conclude about my own intellectual home . Music helps as well whereas other people with any sound at all cannot concentrate. I use this method only because I cannot have my attention on something for too long or I will forget about it all in general since it is a whole bunch of information that I have more then enough time to do I usually get distracted if I spend more then an hour on many of these topics . English is where I can say for sure my intellectual home is a process since I cannot write a bunch of paragraphs due to the time at hand , whereas when I take only 30 minutes to an hour long study session it does more good to me then when I study for too long since I would still have to go back and take an hour to do the process again . So to conclude my intellectual home is a process rather then a place or setting that I need to complete any task that is given to me wether that be English or any other subject at hand . 

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan


    Thanks for this interesting beginning. As you continue to work on this, make sure to clarify your writing by asking questions: what does this mean and can everyone understand it? Make sure to include the readings that focus on process and time and distraction.

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