Angelo Arana

The piece “Where I learned to read” by Salvatore Scibana is a story narrated in 1st person. He essentially speaks about his struggle through high school as he never found classes interesting and often struggled to even pass classes. He actually goes throughout all of high school with no goals in life working at his fast food restaurant with actually believing that the Colonel would hire him anywhere in the world. It isn’t until he is introduced to college in where he can finally begin reading pieces he finds interesting, then his life begins to change for the better. Thus the story mainly takes place in St John’s (his college) where he finally learns how to read and enjoy his readings. Personally I did not enjoy this piece as I found his reasoning for disliking and struggling in school almost idiotic. He is quick to blame school for always giving uninteresting books and only college has these “books” he can find enjoyment in, the way I see it he could’ve just picked up a book on his own time, learn to read there and discover his preferred genre.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Great post Angelo. Fine sentences. It seems like he does what you ask him to in the second half of the essay.

    -Prof. Scanlan

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