“Where I Learned to Read” and “Superman And Me” are very similar yet differ greatly. They’re similar in the sense that both of the authors learned and loved to read but they differ because while Alexi Sherman learned and loved to read a a very young age, Salvatore Scibona did so in his late teens in college. Another way they differ is the way they learned to love reading. Sherman Alexi’s father was his reason for learning to read because his father always spent their extra funds on books of all kinds. Scibona didn’t have anybody to help him until he was in college. I think the shared theme in these stories is that reading can lead to happiness when there isn’t any direction in ones life. Reading helped Alexi keep his head in an environment that was mainly hostile. Its because of that that he started going to reservation schools to tell kids that were just like him about the wonders of books. Scibona hated his classes until he went to college. When he started reading, he fell in love with it.