coffeehouse #1

The story “where I learned to read” by Salvatore Scibana is told in 1st person view and he basically talks about himself. He talks about how he was a lost cause back in high school, how he’d purposefully flunk his classes. He would contemplate how he’d rather show up to his job ready to work for $3.85 an hour then go to his desk at home and do homework for a better grade. After him seeing himself as a lost cause all it took was looking through a brochure of a college for him to get hooked into it, he was intrigued by the curriculum, of basically just learning and not being graded or having to take tests. Once he made the discovery of St. Joseph college he did everything he can to attend it and he changed his view on school. He learned to read their, he even memorized the Greek alphabet a year before he had to go to school. It goes to show that all it takes is a little open crack of a door can open a whole bunch doors. I see  myself in the authors position because my sophomore year of high school college wasn’t in the picture, the idea of me even going to college was not in my head, I was working in construction and thought what do i need school for.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Great post Kevin. Excellent writing and summary.

    -Prof. Scanlan

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