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Author: Nathaniel bailey

coffeehouse #5

Nathaniel Bailey

The basic information that I have gathered from reading this article that I believe is most important is that training yourself is key. One of the best ways to do this is by rewarding yourself after completing a task without distractions. Once you train yourself to stay focused on only one task at a time you’ll have less time to be distracted and this will result in completing assignments much faster. A way to not be distracted is how they started in the text “setting up virtual office”. This basically means setting up an area where you can study and stay focused for the required time needed. This information has been brought to us before and is well known as an “Intellectual home”. After this intellectual home is set up it is important that you plan out your day or week ahead of time and stick to that schedule. I was also advised to avoid multitasking because it is said multitasking plays a big part in shortening attention spans. Last but not least the part of the article that I enjoyed the most is about sleep, it is very important to get good rest in order to keep your mind and body ready and refreshed for the next day. 


After reading this article I realized I have a lot of this I need to improve when it comes to time management. For starters, I have to practice focusing on one thing at a time instead of multitasking and moving onto the next thing when I get bored. I also have to practice rewarding myself AFTER I complete a task because I have a habit of doing so before finishing a task and this results in unfinished work that I rush to finish up later on in the day. And one of the main things that I have to work on is getting rid of distractions while I’m working because based on personal experience even when I’m doing a fun activity the smallest thing has the potential to stop me from what I’m doing.

A.B. Conclusion

Throughout all of the research that I’ve done, I found that college athletes have had to quit the sport in order to find a regular job due to lack the payment. Some athletes drop out of college because of their financial status and the offer that has been given to them to go pro. And that last but not least I found out that some college athletes can’t even afford to pay the medical bills even after health care. While doing this research some things that I found extremely interesting is that I was unaware of the fact that if you are not connected with a healthcare company ambulance has the right to ignore the fact that you’re in pain and leave you to another option of transportation towards the hospital. In this research process, my thinking towards my question had deepened. Athletes not receiving currency It’s not only affecting their everyday lives but it’s also affecting their physical health. Some of these injuries can be a dire emergency if not assessed properly. And even during recovery some of the athletes can’t even afford to get the best help needed to get back on the court or field. I believe the information that I learned is very important because we watch sports every day for entertainment people all around the world love watching highlights of dunks and goals of not only pro teams but college teams as well. And the fact that they are not getting paid seems very unfair. It’s not the best feeling seeing your favorite college basketball player break his leg in an attempt to make a dunk and even after all of that work you put in all the court he still goes home with no money in his pockets for his performance. In terms of audience, I feel that as many people should know about this unfair situation as possible therefore a change can be made. 


Annotation 2 and 3

AttorneyJeffery Kessler,FMR. NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue” CNN: Should college athletes be paid to play?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z0_DCollSY


In the short documentary that I watched called ”Should college athletes be paid?”It gives two different points of view from Attorney Jeffrey Kessler and FMR. NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue. Attorney Jeffrey Kessler says that college athletes are basically pro athletes that work without payment, and he believes this is not fair nor is it the right way to go about college sports. Meanwhile former NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue stated that he believes that with athletes getting paid that the efforts being put into the sports with decrees and students will just play for money. But I’d have to agree with Attorney Jeffrey Kessler saying that money will not only encourage them to play harder as a college athlete but it will help increase the college athlete graduation rate. He states the cause of college athletes going pro and not finishing their education is due to the fact that they aren’t getting paid. A primary example of this is pro basketball player Dominique Wilkins. He spent 3 years in college and dropped out on his last year as soon as he got the offer to go pro. Dominique Wilkins then explained to the public he dropped out because he was struggling financially and he could not wait to get paid. In my opinion, this short documentary was made to inform people of this issue regarding college athletes and show how the obvious solution will positively affect not only the athletes in terms of sports but also in terms of studies as well. I believe this is a credible source because it is backed by CNN. CNN is well known for giving out important and reliable news. I believe that this short documentary was a great choice for this information. I believe so because not only was it short and informative but it also gave the perspective of the opposing opinion that money should be funded for only tuition and still showed how the payment of college athletes in cash would benefit the players financially and help them complete their college education and graduate. A key quote that I had heard in this short documentary was when Jeffrey Kessler (the attorney) stated “Education took a backseat to   profits a long time ago, there is nothing pure and there is not good intent when it come s to the lack of payment with the players this is a business and like many businesses the goal for them to to get as much money as possible.” I believe this a key quote because this quote sums up the whole video in its simplest form.

KarenWeaverContributo If College Athletes Return, Who Will Pay The Medical Bills?Apr 20, 2020,01:00pm



In the narrative “If College Athletes Return, Who Will Pay The Medical Bills?”The main point that Karen Weaver is trying to make is that athletes should be paid for the work that they put in, if an athlete gets injured while paying and needs immediate medical attention they are sent to the hospital and after they are taken care of that hospital bill is going directly to either them or their parents. Injury bills are very expensive and if that student lives by themselves not only will it be hard to handle such a situation without a source of payment, but these players are putting their all into the sport and this sometimes can lead to critically life-changing injuries and barely get anything in return. She comes to this conclusion when stating “He injured his knee badly on the course and was writhing in pain. Fortunately, the host school had an ambulance on-site, and after they stabilized him, he was told they wanted to take him to the nearest hospital for further examination. He called his family. They told him because he was outside of their health network, they could not afford for him to get the treatment he needed. He was told to get out of the ambulance and take the team bus home to get treatment. It was crushing to see how much pain he was in, and a devastating reminder of the complexities of managing athlete health care in today’s world.” This statement shows the insignificance of college athletes not being able to afford medical attention. A D1 athlete was in agonizing pain and was unable to enter the ambulance because he was outside of their health network and nor could he afford his own. Personally, I feel that this narrative is a great source not only does the author give her contact information but she also uses a personal experience and story of a young man to help get the importance of her point across to the audience. In terms of writing style I believe that writing a narrative was one of the best approaches that could’ve been taken toward this issue. I believe so because there is storytelling behind the point that is trying to be put across and the story helps the audience visualize what is wrong with the actions that have been going on so in this case the lack of payment towards college athletes.


Annotation 1

Nathaniel bailey


Horning, Colin. “Pay for play, compensate student athletes.” UWIRE Text, 1 Apr. 2021, p. 1. Gale OneFile: News, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A657020484/STND?u=cuny_nytc&sid=STND&xid=a11e5200. Accessed 6 Apr. 2021.


According to the article “Pay for play, compensate student-athletes.” Ms.Colin is stating that college athletes should be getting  payment for the work that they are putting in either on the field, cort or in the stadium. Of course, they wouldn’t be getting paid millions as if they were pro athletes but they should still be getting some sort of payment other than scholarships for their college, they also need money for their daily lives and dorm room essentials. This has been a discussion for the NCAA for a while now and after years of the altercation, there has finally been some traction being gained. The United States Supreme Court is currently hearing oral arguments on the case of NCAA vs. Alston ( “The United States Supreme Court case dealing with the compensation of collegiate athletes within the National Collegiate Athletic Association”)and so far the direction in which the discussion is going it seems as if the issue will be coming to resolve soon. I believe Ms.Colin Hornings article is a credible source because upon reading the article I also did my own research about the case of NCAA vs. Alston and it seems like her statements are correct. I believe Ms.Colin chose this as a topic because she seems to be interested in issues that include the supreme court and the people. The author chose an article because she is giving facts about the issue regarding college students but at the same time in certain parts she is starting to state her personal opinion on the matter and how she feels towards it and although I might agree with her, her feelings toward the matter may seem bios to other people that might be trying to form their own understanding of the situation. But this article was not only for factual input it was also to state how it affected her hearing about college students that didn’t get paid and struggled to get food and still put forth their efforts to participate in the school sport. A prime example of her stating facts and putting her opinion behind it when she states “after years of debate over whether college athletes should be allowed to profit off of their role should be in place or not, there is finally some traction being gained. That being said, why has it taken so long for this discussion to become more mainstream, and what will likely be the end goal of it?” In this statement, I believe she’s saying this issue has been going on for so long so as an end result the athletes should get a small bonus for having to deal with lack of payment for so long.

A.B. Introduction

As a society one thing that everyone seems to value and enjoy is entertainment. Entertainment can come for a large variety of things such as events, sports, video games, tv shows, and much more. Most of those people that we see in the events and shows get paid to entertain but one of the rare groups that are apart of the entertainment industry, specifically in the sports industry is college sports. Since these athletes are put on tv and perform the same way as professionals do why don’t they get paid at all? I find this very interesting that college athletes don’t get paid because other than age and team names they are doing the exact same actions but not getting a penny out of it for themselves. I also find this topic interesting because my older brother please for the college Stony Brook basketball team and although he’s been training and playing for two years now he gets no funds for what he does. Of course, whenever he needs money he would ask for it and it would be provided by the family but never from the school. One of my fears is my older brother ending up like ”Shabazz Napier”. Shabazz Napier was a college basketball athlete that played his best almost every game but couldn’t stay focused because his stomach was growling. During a public interview after a game, he stated some nights he goes to bed starving because he can’t afford food. I can’t begin to imagine how devastated I would be if my brother was ever put in that position. To have to go out on a field or a court and got it your all because your team is counting on you but you’re unable to concentrate because you’re hungry. Throughout my research, I’m expecting to find an explanation as to why college athletes don’t get paid and what actions are being put in place to change that in the future.

Coffee house #3

Nathaniel Bailey


I have learned a lot about the transformation and definition of “research” through Wikipedia and the article “the traditional research paper is the best”. From the article, I learned that before the internet finding sources were not only time-consuming because they required more physical activity and human interaction but sometimes the book lacked primary sources and instead relied on what was considered “questionable secondary material”. So before the internet, a lot more effort and research would have to be put into account before writing down information. Another thing that I learned from the article is although we have the internet to our use it might not always be the best place to research due to the vast majority of options we receive after pressing enter. I believe the author was trying to portray this message when she said “ it hardly seems appropriate, or far, to ask any student, regardless of classification, to wade through oceanic swamps of online data for the specific purpose of making an original contribution, as a single author, to some public policy debate or academic discipline”. Lastly one more thing that I learned from the article is that online research is more likely to lead to plagiarism. The Arthur states this when saying “ thousands, if not millions, of students, will use Google and Wikipedia as first steps towards plagiarizing work. Plugging into an abyss of boredom or cultivating take curiosity about his subject”.

While reading the article about research one of the things I learned is the different kinds of research such as research and humanities, artistic research, and scientific research. The one that stuck out the most to me was scientific research a “ systematic way of gathering data in harnessing curiosity“. I also learned about the different research methods such as exploratory research, constructive research, and empirical research. Lastly, I learned about the flaws in research, this is basically talking about how not all that u read on a topic is true it could be someone’s bias opinion on the subject at hand.

Intellectual Home Draft

Nathaniel bailey

My Intellectual Home

Studying helps me retain and keep the information, but based on the environment I’m in it could be difficult. Inside of my house, there is unwanted noise and that can be distracting at times, especially out in the open areas. As a result my intellectual home just so happens to be around a table in my room. My table is also a place where I enjoy reading, this not only helps increase my vocabulary, but I aspire to be a musical artist and it helps with storytelling. It is quiet and is a place where I can think best. This is similar to the character of one of my favorite readings. Out of all of our readings, the one that I enjoyed the most is “learning to read” by Malcolm x. It’s about Mr. Malcolm and how he learned to read while locked up in prison, although he was able to get points across to people whenever he spoke, reading had seemed to be a challenge for him. So while facing this obstacle he took it upon himself to open up a dictionary and familiarize himself with the words by copying every word written in the dictionary onto a table.

His intellectual home in my opinion is what makes the story so inspirational because it is similar to mine. It starts with the process of copying the dictionary on a table inside of a prison with the inspiration of trying to write a letter to his outside pen pal called Mr. Elijah Muhammad. Mr. Malcom and I have similar but different intellectual homes in terms of settings, process, and inspiration. We both used tables as a source to help us study. But whereas his process was copying down definitions and writing them out to understand, my process is learning through repetition. If I repeat a word and definition, after a while I’m able to remember the words like the back of my hand. I use this method because I tend to forget something when I get nervous, let’s say while doing a test, I’ll be able to remember important information by constantly replaying it in my head. Whereas his inspiration was writing to his pen pal mine would have to be my best friend. She is a very smart individual and whenever I need help she is always there to support me academically. My goal is to have a GPA that surpasses hers one day. Now for Malcolm X’s setting (prison), I feel as though I can no longer complain about needing a specific environment to work in. I understand that everybody works differently but he didn’t have the luxury of being in a place where he could call home or feel safe. Yet he was still able to power through it with a minimum amount of sleep for continuous nights. Meanwhile, my intellectual home setting needs to be nice and comfortable, but Mr. Malcolm was in a place that was built to make people uncomfortable.

An educational experience that has helped influence my intellectual home would have to be when I was learning my multiplication tables. There were a lot of numbers involved and it was easy to get frustrated and confused. When I first attempted to learn about multiplication, it was after school which was full of distractions so I took it upon myself to study in a quiet room with my best friend. when copying down the information didn’t work, she came up with the idea of repeating out loud till I know it by heart, and because saying it out loud made it easy to remember we made that a skill that I use to study. This method was not only used for multiplication, after finding out how helpful the repetition method was I started using it for other subjects and is a skill I use almost every day.

Now that I’m learning online I believe the best way to adjust my intellectual home is by finding a new source of inspiration. Since my best friend and I aren’t in the same class anymore it’s been difficult to find inspiration to do my work to the best of my ability and though I can call her up sometimes it’s not the same as her being there in person to help me. So I will need to find someone I’m around daily to be my new inspiration or figure out a way to make myself my inspiration. You’d think trying to keep good grades should be enough inspiration but when work piles up and I get bombarded with an overwhelming amount of h.w and/or school work I tend to give up on doing it. She would always be on my back about getting my work done and when I would get it done I would be rewarded with ice cream it was something simple but it worked. Now we can’t even go outside without a mask anymore, so finding a new motive to do my work would be hard, but when I do it will surely improve my work ethic and become a new and improved addition to my intellectual home.

While doing this paper I learned that my intellectual home was never really about comfort. It’s more about finding a place to study in a room that I’m familiar with. Before the quarantine, the classroom would have been my intellectual home. But because classes are now online I had to adapt to the circumstances and find a place that I find it easiest to study.

Nate Coffee house #2

As a freshman in high school, I was very excited for the summer. This was the first year where I was allowed to get a job through my working papers. I had a lot of fun at my job and love working there but, it always seemed like as fast as I got my first paycheck quicker I’d be out of money. I was always buying things and half of the things were stuff I didn’t need. Instead of saving, I spent it all before my sophomore year was able to start up. That year there were many trips with stores and bake sales that I was unable to participate in due to lack of finance. Later on within the year, I join this club called Men of MESA they they taught me some practices I should use to” properly” use my money. I was taught to Set aside 50% of whatever I made just in case of an emergency where I might need extra money, save 30% for a big purchase that I might want within the future and the other 20% was for whatever I wanted to do with it. This not only helped my money last longer but also taught me to be independent Because if I did not hold myself accountable with my money the only person that it would affect is me. I studied this method and used it during the summer of my sophomore year, and not only did I gain a lot more money than expected but it also helped me learn to prioritize my needs over my wants. So because I was unable to spend my whole paycheck due to what I was taught that 20% that I was able to spend on anything because it wasn’t much I was mainly only able to spend it on things I needed rather than what I wanted, and that was my meaningful Learning experience.

(Nate)Salvatore Scibona Intellectual Home

In the essay “where I learn to read” written by Salvatore Scibona published in The New York, June 13 and 20, 2011, he first draws the reader in by describing what his life was like in school. He explains how frustrating it was for him when he states: “I failed English literature, American literature, Spanish, precalculus, chemistry, physics. Once, in a fit of melancholic vanity, I burned my report card in the sink of the KFC where I worked scraping carbonized grease from the pressure cookers.” That not only explains his frustration but also uses imagery to show how unhappy he was with his performance in school. In the essay, it seems as though he felt stuck with no way out as if his future was already determined.

Salvatore, later on, talks about his way of escape, or as he called it “Back-yard rehab” which is where he would sit in his back yard and read as a way to escape the real world, despite everything reading made him happy. He stated “As long as nobody had assigned the book, I could stick with it. I didn’t know what I was reading. I didn’t really know how to read. Reading messed with my brain in an unaccountable way. It made me happy; or something.” This is then later on shown when he receives a brochure from a girl that’s brochure was from St.John college and claimed in the school there were no textbooks, no grades or tests. It was a school where you just read and learn through books Which fit him perfectly he was excited. But knew that he couldn’t afford it. But he wouldn’t let that stop him. 

After getting into college he was discovering new things, meeting new people, and being able to do something he loved, read books. After entering that college he found his intellectual home, a place that changed him for the better good. A place that seems so far but wasn’t impossible to get to.Â