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Author: asef choudhury (Page 1 of 2)

conclusion of A.B.


The idea of the electric car is not new, but the idea started to come true in recent years when Tesla started the production of electric cars. Tesla is the first company who successfully proves that it is possible to use the fully electric car for daily use. The problem nowadays electric cars face is the range of the battery, charging time, and unavailability of charging stations. Tesla has been working on those issues for the past few years and they continuously improve. Nowadays, Tesla cars get a range of 250 to 350 miles depending on models and they are also improving charging time and building new supercharging stations all over the US. The biggest advantage of electric cars is they are environmentally friendly because electric cars have zero emissions.  According to the AAA survey, AAA, 80% of the consumers of electric cars buy an electric car because the electric car is environment friendly. Nowadays, people don’t buy electricity because they are environmentally friendly also because of the performance. Even though luxurious car brands like Mercedes, Porsche, and many more companies are now producing electric cars. Government incentives also help to develop the electric vehicle market. markets. The electric car makers are not only making electric cars they are also trying to set up a driverless driving system. Tesla’s autopilot program allows their cars to drive without any driver but they are not fully successful yet but the driverless riding is not that far. Also, a ride-sharing company like Uber is investing in it. Electric cars are cost-efficient, they need much less maintenance than gasoline cars. Usually, electric cars have only batteries and an electric motor, but the gasoline cars have so much stuff underneath the hood, that stuff like the engine, transmission, and other stuff needs regular maintenance. That needs a lot of money to maintain those gasoline cars but electric cars usually don’t need that kind of maintenance. Another biggest advantage of the electric car is people can charge their car at home, they need not go to any charging station and wait there hours to full charge. I think that there is no alternative to electric cars. Still, the price of the electric car is higher than the gasoline car, I think more government incentives are needed to keep the price of electric cars in the price range of everyone. There is also a need to raise awareness among electric car consumers because people still believe that electric cars are not as safe as gasoline cars.

summery of time management

Time management helps people to finish their task in time.  Time management encourages students to stay focused on one assignment at a time. Keeping the destruction away helps students to do the best work done at a shorter period of time. It is also important to reward yourself when you finish your assignment to avoid depression. It will also help to keep balance between study and other activities. Because of the pandemic all the college classes are online so it is important for those who are working and studying full time to create a schedule and try to follow them to stay focused and to reach their ultimate goal.

I don’t have any fixed schedule for my study, which I like to fix. Because of this, I struggle to finish my homework on time, sometimes I have to study till late at night to finish the homework before the deadline. Till the end of the semester, I want to make a to-do list and I want to follow it. I think it will increase my time efficiency and also help me to balance in studies and work. Another biggest problem I am facing now is a distraction, right now cellphone is the biggest destruction. I spend a lot of the day on my cell phone just browsing. I am trying hard to find a way to keep it away at least when I am studying. 

Annotated bibliography

                                                   The Future Is Electric Car


Is the future of US vehicle industries moving toward EV(electric vehicle)? Through this research, I will try to find out that, is the vehicle makers are moving to EV from gasoline. The vehicle runs with the power of electricity and which is rechargeable is known as an electric vehicle.  The first electric vehicle was invented in the 19th century by Anyos Jedlik. Nowadays, one of the biggest reasons for air pollution is gasoline vehicles. Gasoline is expensive and the reserve of gasoline is limited, one day it could be finished so, we have to think about the alternative. There is no better alternative than EV, electricity is cheap and easily producible. Some big vehicle makers like Ford’s start moving toward Ev, but vehicle makers like Toyota think that hydrogen fuel is the fuel future. When we talk about the electric car, the first company name which comes to mind is Tesla. Tesla’s first car was Roadster, which was the first highway-legal electric car. In my research, I will try to find out whether the maintenance of electric cars is cheaper than gasoline cars and also try to find out how reliable they are. I also have to find out that, is the price of the electric vehicles within the budget of middle-class people, and is the electric vehicle safe for daily use? According to Statista, in 2020, the estimated sale of electric vehicles in the United state was 290,000. Everything in the world has a good side and a bad side. If I talk about the limitation or bad side of the electric car, one thing that first comes to mind is the range of the battery and charging time. Electric vehicle makers are trying hard to improve the range of the battery and shorting the charging but it’s a long way to go. Maybe the future of electric cars is not that far.

Annotation 1,

1.  Steel, Alix, “Special Report: EVs: On the Brink of Change,” news: Bloomberg markets and Finance, February 22, 2020. https://youtu.be/MOcyXjRpPNc

2.Alix Steel in her “on the brink of change,” from Bloomberg Market And Finance published on Feb 22, 2020, questioned that, Is the electric vehicle, right for mass adoption? The price of the battery is still high that why consumers are not still adopting it. The experts are expecting until by 2024 the price of the electric car will remain higher than the regular gasoline car. The Alix also reminds us the electric vehicle is not new the history of electric vehicles starts in the 19th century.  The Alix thinks that the sedan car is going to disappear and whether it’s an SUV or Truck power by a better power EV or hydrogen fuel cell, the vehicle that transports us and how it transports us on the bricks of change.

 3. I think that the documentary was very informative they discussed all the aspects of the electric vehicle. In the report “on the brink of change,” they discuss how the journey of the electric vehicle start, what’s the present condition and what could be in the future. There was also a lot of analysis on the report what makes it more practical and acceptable to everyone. I also like how they organized to present the data.

 4. Steel Alix graduated from Northwestern University, earning her bachelor’s degree in communications, and studied business journalism at New York University. Steel Alix is a news anchor currently working for Bloomberg News based in New York City. She has been nominated for the SABEW award many times. I think she is creditable for this documentary because she is experienced, and she knows what she is doing. I like her presentation, she shows us how the transportation industries moving toward the electric vehicle.

 5. The genre of this source is a youtube video and it’s a documentary about electric vehicles and how the transportation system is changing. It shows how everyone in the automotive industry is trying to move towards electric vehicles, and how the transportation industry is moving towards driverless transportation systems.

 6. “Vehicle that transport us and how its transport us it on the brink of change.” nowadays, most of the vehicles that we use are gasoline cars, but the future is moving toward electric cars.  Someday when you call a taxi maybe there will be an electric car that showed up with no driver on it, and maybe your pizza will be also delivered in a driverless car, this idea is what going to be in the future of the in-vehicle industry and everyone investing in it.  

Annotation 2

  1. Edward Peter Stringham, Jennifer kelly Miller, J. R. Clark.“Overcoming Barriers to Entry in an Established Industry: Tesla Motors.” California Management Review, Vol. 57, no. 4, The University of California Press, 2015, pp. 85–103, doi:10.1525/cmr.2015.57.4.85.

 2. In  “Overcoming Barriers to Entry in an Established Industry: Tesla Motors.” Excerpts from “California Management Review” (California Management Review), the magazine was published in 2015, the author is Jennifer Kelly Miller (Jennifer Kelly Miller), Edward Peter Straham (Edward Peter Stringham), J. Discuss how a startup company like Tesla has to overcome many barriers and compete with the well-established renowned company. Tesla’s cars are electric, which’s why they are nature friendly, That was the biggest advantage of tesla what allowing them to get incentives from the government, which makes their cars cheaper than the competitors. Tesla knows that the future is electric vehicles what makes them successful. Now, everyone is following their path because there is no alternative way. 

 3. I think the article is well thought out. In the article, the authors discuss how a start-up company like Tesla became the vehicle industry leader and move the vehicle industry toward electric vehicles.

 4. Edward Stringham is an Austrian School American economist, President of the American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and the Davis Professor of Economic Innovation at Trinity College. Jennifer K. Miller is an analyst for the electric vehicle infrastructure company Greenlots in San Francisco. J.R. Clark holds the Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. All of these three authors are well qualified and they’re writing very informative, clear, and focused on the subject. In this article, the authors show how the vehicle industry moving toward electrification and how many barriers new vehicle makers have to face to enter the vehicle industry.

 5. The type of this resource is a “Journal” article. In this genre, there is a lot of information about electric vehicles especially Tesla. In this article, the authors show how much people like an eclectic vehicle on top of a gasoline vehicle through their statistics.

 6. “When General Motors and Chrysler veered toward bankruptcy, the market was signaling that the incumbents were doing something wrong, and as the value of Tesla rose, the market is signaling that Tesla is doing something right.”  Tesla cars are futuristic, which makes consumers interested in their cars.  Currently, all renowned companies like Audi, Mercedes, Porches, etc. Started to manufacture eclectic cars to compete in the electric car market. we can say that Tesla is the innovator of modern electric cars and Tesla is now proposing a similar innovation that can cut vehicle pollution while also allowing vehicles to be powered by a variety of energy sources, including nuclear and solar.

Annotation 3

1.”Video: electric cars on the rise.” Local Broadcast Video Content, 10 May 2018. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A538058205/AONE?u=cuny_nytc&sid=AONE&xid=ec05f8fc. Accessed 8 Apr. 2021.

  2. Aj Abell in his report  “electric cars on the rise” in  Action News Now, shows how much people love electric cars. People are on the waitlist for 8 months to get their electric car. The biggest selling feature of electric cars is people can save as much as 4000$ in gasoline. In a survey of AAA, they found that one-fifth of an American thinks that their next vehicle will be an electric car. Electric cars are environment-friendly and cost-effective what makes consumers interested in electric cars.

3.  The source is a news report where they interviewed a dealership manager and they show a AAA survey, which was what consumers think about electric cars. The video was short and informative. 

4.  Aj Abell covered national stories such as the Northern California Wildfires, the breaking of the Oroville Dam Spillway, and the search for Sherri Papini, among many others. He goes on to Syracuse University to study Broadcast and Digital Journalism and he was recruited to be a member of the Division 1 Rowing team. I think he is well qualified. After all, he knows what he is doing because he studied journalism. 

 5. The genre of this source is a news report video. This genre is full of information. They show how much-interested people are to get their electric car Rayan Sutton, manager of the car dealership, said several of his friends have been on the waiting list for electric cars for eight months. 

 6. “If you are just driving around town electric is the way to go.” electric cars are environment-friendly and cost-efficient, but the biggest problem of electric cars is the range of the battery. There is still not enough charging station and it still takes a long time to charge the battery. Some people think that electric cars are small little golf cars but some of the electric can go as fast as 120 mph. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), this kind of care is very efficient. On average, Americans driving an electric car will cost about $500, but a gasoline car costs $1833. This item is a big saving in an eclectic car that encourages consumers in the eclectic car and it is also environmentally friendly too. According to AAA, 80% of the consumer likely to buy electric cars because of the concern about the environment.


The idea of the electric car is not new, but the idea starts to come true in recent years when Tesla started the production of electric cars. Tesla is the first company who successfully proves that it is possible to use the fully electric car for daily use. The problem nowadays electric cars facing is the range of the battery, charging time, and unavailability of charging stations. Tesla is working on those issues for the past few years and they continuously improve. Nowadays, Tesla cars get a range of 250 to 350 miles depending on models and they are also improving charging time and building new supercharging stations all over the US. The biggest advantage of electric cars is they are environmentally friendly because electrics cars are zero emissions.  According to the survey of the AAA, 80% of the consumer of electric cars buy an electric car because the electric car is environment friendly. Nowadays, people don’t buy electricity because they are environmentally friendly also because of the performance. Even though luxurious car brands like Mercedes, Porsche, and many more companies are now producing electric cars. Government incentives also help to develop the electric vehicle market. markets. The electric car makers not only making electric cars they are also trying to set up a driverless driving system. Tesla’s autopilot program allows their cars to drive without any driver but they are not fully successful yet but the driverless riding is not that far. Also, a ride-sharing company like Uber investing in it. Electric cars cost-efficient, they need much less maintenance than gasoline cars. Usually, electric cars have only batteries and an electric motor but in gasoline cars is so much stuff underneath the hood, that stuff like engine, transmission, and other stuff needs regular maintenance. That needs a lot of money to maintain those gasoline cars but electric cars usually don’t need that kind of maintenance. Another biggest advantage of the electric car is people can charge their car at home, they need not go to any charging station and wait there hours to full charge. I think that there is no alternative to electric cars. Still, the price of the electric car is higher than the gasoline car, I think more government incentives are needed to keep the price of electric cars in the price range of everyone. There is also a need to raise awareness among electric car consumers because people still believe that electric cars are not as safe as gasoline cars.

Annotation 2 and 3

annotation 2

  Edward Peter Stringham, Jennifer kelly miller, J. R. Clark.“Overcoming Barriers to Entry in an Established Industry: Tesla Motors.” California Management Review, vol. 57, no. 4, The University of California Press, 2015, pp. 85–103, doi:10.1525/cmr.2015.57.4.85.

In  “Overcoming Barriers to Entry in an Established Industry: Tesla Motors.” Excerpt from “California Management Review” (California Management Review), the magazine was published in 2015, the author is Jennifer Kelly Miller (Jennifer Kelly Miller), Edward Peter Straham (Edward Peter Stringham), J. Discuss how a startup company like Tesla has to overcome many barriers and compete with the well-established renowned company. Tesla’s cars are electric, which’s why they are nature friendly, That was the biggest advantage of tesla what allows them to get incentives from the government, which makes their cars cheaper than the competitors. Tesla knows that the future is electric vehicles what makes them successful. Now, everyone is following their path because there is no alternative way. 

I think the article is well thought out. In the article, the authors discuss how a start-up company like Tesla became the vehicle industry leader and move the whole vehicle industry toward electric vehicles.

Edward Stringham is an Austrian School American economist, President of the American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and the Davis Professor of Economic Innovation at Trinity College. Jennifer K. Miller is an analyst for the electric vehicle infrastructure company Greenlots in San Francisco. J.R. Clark holds the Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. All of these three authors are well qualified and they’re writing very informative, clear, and focused on the subject. In this article, the authors show how the vehicle industry moving toward electrification and how many barriers new vehicle makers have to face to enter the vehicle industry.

The type of this resource is a “Journal” article. In this genre, there is a lot of information about electric vehicles especially Tesla. In this article, the authors show how much people like an eclectic vehicle on top of a gasoline vehicle through their statistics.

“When General Motors and Chrysler veered toward bankruptcy, the market was signaling that the incumbents were doing something wrong, and as the value of Tesla rose, the market is signaling that Tesla is doing something right.”  Tesla cars are futuristic, which makes consumers interested in their cars.  Currently, all renowned companies like Audi, Mercedes, Porches, etc. Started to manufacture eclectic cars to compete in the electric car market. we can say that Tesla is the innovator of modern electric cars and Tesla is now proposing a similar innovation that can cut vehicle pollution while also allowing vehicles to be powered by a variety of energy sources, including nuclear and solar.

annotation 3

 “Video: electric cars on the rise.” Local Broadcast Video Content, 10 May 2018. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A538058205/AONE?u=cuny_nytc&sid=AONE&xid=ec05f8fc. Accessed 8 Apr. 2021.

      Aj Abell in his report  “electric cars on the rise” in  Action News Now, shows how much people love electric cars. People are on the waitlist for 8 months to get their electric car. The biggest selling feature of electric cars is people can save as much as 4000$ in gasoline. In a survey of AAA, they found that one-fifth of an American thinks that their next vehicle will be an electric car. Electric cars are environment-friendly and cost-effective what makes consumers interested in electric cars.

The source is a news report where they interviewed a dealership manager and they show a AAA survey, which was what consumers think about electric cars. The video was short and informative. 

   Aj Abell covered national stories such as the Northern California Wildfires, the breaking of the Oroville Dam Spillway, and the search for Sherri Papini, among many others. He goes on to Syracuse University to study Broadcast and Digital Journalism and he was recruited to be a member of the Division 1 Rowing team. I think he is well qualified because he knows what he is doing because he studied journalism. 

The genre of this source is a news report video. This genre is full of information. They show how much-interested people are to get their electric car Rayan Sutton, manager of the car dealership, said several of his friends have been on the waiting list for electric cars for eight months. 

“If you are just driving around town electric is definitely the way to go.” electric cars are environment-friendly and cost-efficient, but the biggest problem of electric cars is the range of the battery. There is still not enough charging station and it still takes a long time to charge the battery. Some people think that electric cars are small little golf cars but some of the electric can go as fast as 120 mph. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), this kind of care is very efficient. On average, Americans driving an electric car will cost about $500, but a gasoline car, costs $1833. This item is a big saving in an eclectic car that encourages consumers in the eclectic car and it is also environmentally friendly too. According to AAA, 80% of the consumer likely to buy electric cars because of the concern about the environment.

Annotation 1

Steel, Alix, “Special Report: EVs: On the Brink of Change,” news: Bloomberg markets and Finance, February 22, 2020. https://youtu.be/MOcyXjRpPNc

Alix Steel in her “on the brink of change,” from Bloomberg Market And Finance published on Feb 22, 2020, questioned that, Is the electric vehicle, right for mass adoption? The price of the battery is still high that why consumers are not still adopting it. The experts are expecting until by 2024 the price of the electric car will remain higher than the regular gasoline car. The Alix also reminds us the electric vehicle is not new the history of electric vehicles starts in the 19th century.  The Alix thinks that the sedan car is going to disappear and whether it’s an SUV or Truck power by a better power EV or hydrogen fuel cell, the vehicle that transports us and how it transports us on the bricks of change.

I think that the documentary was very informative they discussed all the aspects of the electric vehicle. In the report “on the brink of change,” they discuss how the journey of the electric vehicle start, what’s the present condition and what could be in the future. There was also a lot of analysis on the report what makes it more practical and acceptable to everyone. I also like how they organized to present the data.

Steel Alix graduated from Northwestern University, earning her bachelor’s degree in communications, and studied business journalism at New York University. Steel Alix is a news anchor currently working for Bloomberg News based in New York City. She has been nominated for the SABEW award many times. I think she is creditable for this documentary because she is experienced, and she knows what she is doing. I like her presentation, she shows us how the transportation industries moving toward the electric vehicle.

The genre of this source is a youtube video and it’s a documentary about electric vehicles and how the transportation system is changing. It shows how everyone in the automotive industry is trying to move towards electric vehicles, and how the transportation industry is moving towards driverless transportation systems.

“Vehicle that transport us and how its transport us it on the brink of change.” nowadays, most of the vehicles that we use are gasoline cars, but the future is moving toward electric cars.  Someday when you call a taxi maybe there will be an electric car that showed up with no driver on it, and maybe your pizza will be also delivered in a driverless car, this idea is what going to be the future in-vehicle industry and everyone investing in it.  

The Future Is Electric Car



Is the future of vehicle industries moving toward EV? Through this research, I will try to find out that, is the vehicle makers are moving to EV from gasoline. The vehicle runs with the power of electricity and which is rechargeable is known as an eclectic vehicle.  The first electric vehicle was invented in the 19th century by Anyos Jedlik. Nowadays one of the biggest reasons for air pollution is gasoline vehicles. Gasoline is expensive and the reserve of gasoline is limited, one day it could be finished so we have to think about the alternative. There is no better alternative than EV,  electricity is cheap and easily producible. Some big vehicle makers like Ford’s start moving toward Ev, but vehicle makers like Toyota think that hydrogen fuel is the fuel future. When we talk about the electric car the first company name which comes to mind is Tesla. Tesla’s first car was Roadster, which was the first highway-legal electric car. In my research, I will try to find out whether the maintenance of electric cars is cheaper than gasoline cars and also try to find out how reliable they are. I also have to find out that, is the price of the electric vehicles within the budget of middle-class people, and is eclectic vehicle safe for daily use? According to Statista, in 2020 the estimated sale of electric vehicles in the united state was 290,000. Everything in the world has a good side and a bad side. If I talk about the limitation or bad side of the electric car, one thing that first comes to mind is the range of the battery and charging time. Electric vehicle makers are trying hard to improve the range of the battery and shorting the charging but it’s a long way to go. Maybe the future of electric cars is not that far.

coffee house 3


  1. Availability of resources: because of the availability of the internet now day research has become much easier than before. You just search for a topic and There are thousands of sources available for you. Before the internet was available the teachers used to complain about students’ research because of the lack of recourses present there.
  2. Time consumption: past the researches used to take a very long time because students have to get their information and resources from the library books, which is a long process. Nowadays students can collect their information from the internet at any time. Nowadays a Large number of resources available on the internet, which saves a lot of time.
  3.  Creativity: when we search about a topic on the internet there are thousands of data and resources available there. It is a creative work to summarise, annotate, interpret and appropriately analyze them. Which increases the researcher’s background knowledge.


  1.  research ethics: The normative questions that occur while or as a result of research operations, as well as the ethical actions of researchers, are all addressed by research ethics. To ensure that humans, animals, and the ecosystem are not damaged unnecessarily in science, specific measures for ethical governance in research are needed.
  2.  Future perspective: Support cuts for university research have happened in the Western academic world, most prominently in the United Kingdom and some state governments in the United States, which some suggest may contribute to the potential loss of Western supremacy in research. on the other hand in East Asia especially in China and South Korea, they are investing in university research.
  3. Meta-research: Meta-research is known as “research on research.” Meta-research seeks to cut back on duplication and improve the consistency of research around the board. The discovery of bias, methodological defects, and other errors and inefficiencies is the aim of meta-research. The poor rates of reproducibility over a wide variety of fields are one of the results of meta-research.

intellectual home

Asef Choudhury

Prof. Sean Scanlan

English 1101

Essay 1 draft

                                                               Intellectual Home

Definition of Intellectual Home: The places, people, and activities that help a student do their best academic work. Different people have different taste, I have a few place and process what help me to do my best academic work. Currently, my intellectual home is my bedroom, but before the covid 19, when the college campus was open my intellectual home was my college library(places). The class discussion is also one of my intellectual home (process) that helps me to understand my academic work and also helps me do it properly.

In the passage “superman and me” Sherman Alexie’s intellectual home was book reading. The writer Sherman Alexie described how a smart Indian kid ridiculed and mocked by other Indians and non-Indian. Indian kids can make jokes and make everyone laugh at the dinner table but they struggle doing simple reading in school. No one teaches them how to write a poem or novel if someone tries to teach them, some of them who are already sullen and defeated will ignore him with theatrical precision. But the writer was smart he learned how to read and write himself and he also trying to give these lessons to everyone to save their lives.

The environment of the home plays an important role in student’s studies, especially those whole studied from home. “Where I learned to read” by Salvatore Scibona, the writer described his home situation, where the tv was on all day, and it was too crowded that he can’t even study. I think for study environment different people has different choice, but I like a quiet environment, where I can concentrate on my studies. studying in a nice and renowned educational institution helps a student to do better because there is more opportunity to do better. Scibona didn’t like reading, because he thinks reading mess up his mind in an unaccountable way. “American childhood” was presented by, Annie Dillard, I read that and it makes me happy. he copied the first paragraph and hang it on his bedroom dormer wall. In school life when the writer was living with family his intellectual home was the backyard of the house (place), where she used to do the homework.  People of the surrounding also play an important role in student life. In the latter of the story St. john (place) and his classmates (people’s) were writers intellectual home. ST John teaches the writer how to read and his friends who always asked questions. when we ask a question we have the opportunity to increase our knowledge. one person can’t know everything. Some people read a book to meet their requirements, it could be academic or professional, but some people read book read as a hobby, either way, they acquire knowledge.

Currently, my intellectual home is my bedroom, which is not that big. In my bedroom for doing studies, I have a chair, which I moved here from our dining room because I feel comfortable sitting on this chair and there is a small task table, a wardrobe, a shelve and couple of single beds because I share my room with my younger brother. Right now this is the best place in my house to do my academic work. But before the covid19, I used to do my academic work in my college (city tech) library.

I used to finish all my homework over there because it was quiet and everyone in the library is studying which creates a study environment that provokes me to do my work done. The best thing about the library is, it is quiet, what I miss most in my current intellectual home. Class discussion is the crucial process of my intellectual home. Class discussion about a specific topic allows students to share the knowledge about that topic and it also allows students to relate in their daily life. Almost all the professors do class discussions after their lectures, which I love because it helps me to understand the class topic and it’s also helpful to finish the homework because homework is given based on class lectures. That why Bilal Rahmani in his “Chronicles of a Once Pessimistic College Freshman,” mentioned that when everyone was in his English class sharing their idea about a topic that was making so much sense to him, the writer feels that, “The classroom became ink, penetrating the water, which was my mind, adding new colors, creating something completely new, something I alone could never hope to create. The discussion dragged me in, and I too began to share my ideas, adding to the excitement of the classroom.”

In the future, if I had an opportunity I want to create a room where I could only do the studies only. The room has to be big enough where I could set nice table with a gaming chair. I choose gaming chairs because they are so comfortable, and I also want to put the table near a window, so through the window, I could see the outside view. I want my study room soundproof and I also want to keep a speaker in my room so when I will get bored of studying, I could listen to some music for freshness.

Intellectual home is not only for students, it could be for everyone. Intellectual home helps to do the best work done in a sufficient way. Everyone should think about the intellectual home concept so that they could do the best work done so that they could be successful in the future.

coffee house #2


Different people have different explanations about the meaningful experience of learning, in my word meaningful learning experience is a process from which you can learn real-life experience and knowledge, it could be about anything. In my experience of the last five years, I had experienced a couple of meaningful learning processes, but I want to discuss one is class discussion. Classroom discussion is a practice in which teachers and students exchange perspectives on a particular subject previously lectured. Typically, the teacher would first teach for a certain period of time during classroom discussions. The teacher asks students questions after the lecture ends, requiring them to respond with specific examples and focus on their understanding of the subject. Class discussion about a specific topic allows students to share the knowledge about that topic and it also allows students to relate in their daily life. One person can’t have all the knowledge about a topic, different people have different points of view and when we sum all the points of view and everyone’s opinion it will be easier to understand that topic. I finished my high school in Bangladesh, over there most of the teachers aren’t allowed to do class discussion. Most of the teachers rush in finishing their syllabus, which limits the opportunity for class discussion. but here in the USA almost every teacher/professor tries to practice class discussion in their classes. This is my third semester in city tech. Almost all the professors do class discussions after their lectures, which I love because it helps me to understand the class topic and it’s also helpful to finish the homework because homework is given based on class lectures. I also think that Lectures paired with discussions will help sustain the concentration of learners. Students get different viewpoints on the subject as they explore their responses. Good questions and responses will help students think deeply and make connections with each other.

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