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Homework for Wednesday, Feb 17

Hi Class,



Great job with the freewrites and the close reading of Scibona. For Wednesday, Feb 17:


Homework: Due: before Wednesday’s class on the 17th:

PART I: Use the Five-Part Reading Tool to examine essays by Esmeralda Santiago and Bilal Rahmani (Find the tool and the essays in the Readings menu tab). Do this in your notebook.

PART II: Comment on a classmate’s Coffeehouse Post #1. The rule here: select a post that has fewer than three comments. Write about two things in the post that you liked — approximately 100 words. Make sure to be kind and detailed. End with a signature. [note: you must be logged into OpenLab, and you must also have previously joined the class]


Also, you can still turn in homework if you are behind. Email me!


Prof. Scanlan

1 Comment

  1. Jannatul ferdaus

    Thanks prof.scanlan

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