Hi Class,

Note: the final quiz is due by 12:30 today (April 28).

Below please find the schedule for our one-on-one conferences (worth 10 participation points). Please bring  a draft of the Final Reflection Essay to your conference so we can discuss it (the instructions for this essay are in the Assignments menu tab–UNIT 3). Also, bring any questions from the Intellectual Home essay and/or the Annotated Bibliography. You do not have to turn your camera on if you don’t want to–but it would be great to see you!

Please be on time!



Monday, May 3 Wednesday, May 5
10:00   Nate Bailey 10:00  Elijah Heredia
10:10  Raleek Brown 10:10  Aliyah Latif
10:20  Kai Campbell 10:20  Kevin Liu
10:30  Kelly Castro 10:30  Dawson Lockhart
10:40  Morris Chera 10:40  Selena McIntosh
10:50  Asef Choudhury 10:50  Kevon Ramphaul
11:00  Rachael Cosbert 11:00  David Rodriguez
11:10  Derrick Felder 11:10  Jose Taveras
11:20  Jannatul Ferdaus 11:20  Zarrina Ubaiduloeva
11:30  Giorgi Goletiani 11:30  Amira Webbert