Time management is very essential to us, depending on how your time is manage it affect everything happens later on. Finishing your task early or late can make a difference. If the task is finished on time then the free time can be done with anything, but if the task is finish in late then you have no free time but to suffer in depression and regrets. Now, because of the Covid-19 pandemic students are all taking online classes, this makes students less focus on what they should be, phones, computers and other electronic devices are in their hands so they can do what they want. This results some point in the future that students grade would rapidly decreased. The main point of time managements is self control, by meaning, take away the stuff that affects your focus on what you’re doing, bring it back when you’re done.

Personally I really have time management issue because I have to work from morning to 6 p.m. in the afternoon and I’m working 5 days a week so its hard for me to do homework from classes. What I can do the best is work on whatever i can when I’m done with my daily basis then work on homework or study. I have to take my phone away and turn off my computer at that point, because I know if both were on,then i can’t do anything and I won’t make any progress.