Traditional research

Alexandria Lockett tries to tell us in this article that over time with the improvement of technology we have made it easier on ourselves to find out information. One way this is implied is when Alexandria states, “Researching “the research paper” via Google, Google News, and Google Scholar retrieves
almost 19,000,000 results.”

Another thing I learnt while reading this article was that with the amount of information we can find on the internet it could take decades. As stated, “Consuming data dumps, whether by the dozens, hundreds,
or thousands, would take decades to read, summarize, annotate,
interpret, and analyze.”

Finally, Alexandria states, ” but strategically incorporating them into an argument may seem impossible to today’s writers.” Reading this helped me realize that writing today is much more easier, but in this case that takes away the skill we lack in which is being able to incorporate the information we have cited into an argument.

Research Wikipedia

Research is explained to be a way to help us humans learn more and question more about certain thing such as topics like how the world was created. I was able to assume this when I read, “The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) are documentationdiscoveryinterpretation, and the research and development (R&D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge.”

There are several forms of research such as scientific, humanities, economic, social, business, and marketing. There are more out there but these are just some examples. These research practices are know as meta research.

Wikipedia research helped me learn that there are multiple forms of research but each form has a different meaning to it. An example is scientific research which is scientific information and theories for the explanation of nature and the properties of the world.