Throughout my research I’ve done. I learned so much more about my topic, not taking depression as seriously, reading about it made me realize how important it is, and how it has affected so many people worldwide. In today’s world so many teens are falling into depression so easily. I read so much about young teens falling into depression because of school, home problems, relationships, and many more. Our parents not understanding what us kids are going through always affects it negatively. What surprised me while doing my research is how depression is not talked about as much, so many people fall into depression but not many people tend to talk about this topic. It’s very rare. What changed overall is I never knew this topic was so sensitive, at first it didn’t really affect me as much as it does now after reading and learning about it. People should know that depression can be very hard for people, and sometimes telling a person “you’ll get over it, depression is not a big deal, can mentally disturb that person going through that pain. I feel like you don’t know what that person is going through until you feel the same pain, so never judge anyone. Everyone should be aware about this topic, it’s a very sensitive topic that is not talked about a lot, we should really get people to read about how bad depression really is.