
my question is that What problems do the soldiers have after war? I chose this question because war is a bad place to be in. People want to protect their country so much that they would risk their own lives and health to protect their country and their families. This is heroic thing what they do to protect us so we could have normal lives. The soldiers give up their normal day routine and their lives. war is a horrible place to be because the soldiers are getting shot at by guns and by tanks and jets. The soldiers are in dangerous environments and are also exposed to chemicals that are not good for your body. They have to train and wake up at early hours every day with no breaks. They see horrible things like their family members and friends die before their eyes. when they see their friends or family members die they cant stop and cry to mourn they have to keep on fighting. The things that soldiers see is horrible and takes a toll on them to the point that even after they come back they don’t want to talk about it to anyone. Soldiers after they come back have problems with them like they have physical injuries, traumatized by the things they have seen, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, problematic alcohol use, and thoughts of suicide. I expect to find in my research is to go in depth of what really happens in the battle field. The soldiers give so much to us and we just ignore them and don’t appreciate what they have given up like their time and not living in their home and their lives. my research is to see how people help them with their problems when they come back. When the soldiers come back from war they get the health care that they need.