Hi Class,

Have a safe, healthy, and fun spring break.


*Note: I’ve cancelled office hours today–email any questions.


Homework: Post first annotation by April 5–Monday after Spring Break on OpenLab (Category: First Annotation-A.B.)

Make sure to review the Assignment details so that you know what must go into each of the three annotations (These directions can be found in the Assignments menu tab: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/profscanlan-english1101-ol22-spring2021/assignments/unit-two-bibliography-and-research-essay/)

Make sure to review the student example in Readings.

Make sure to proofread with care (any lower case “i” will result in a 0 until it is corrected)

Make sure to bank some time over the next 12 days to do this work

?? how many hours do you think it will take to find each source? 

?? how many hours will it take to read and really understand that source?

?? how much time will it take to convert my notes into the annotation I have to write?

The answers to these questions is more than you think.


Note: a citation example for a personal interview: Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014.

Here is the Purdue Owl page on MLA style citations:



Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan