Hi Class,

Thanks for the help reading Alexie’s article. Hopefully, the slow are careful reading we performed was helpful.


Here’s a brief refresher on the Compound sentence:

compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses.

First Example:

I love the City Tech Cafe, but my students love Starbucks.

(The independent clauses are in blue. This sentence contains no dependent clauses. Note the position and use of the comma. And note the use of but as a coordinating conjunction. Remember “FANBOYS” are coordinating conjunctions–they join independent clauses)

Second Example:

I love the City Tech Cafemy students love Starbucks, and we all love holidays.

Sometimes a compound sentence contains more than two independent clauses.

Third Example:

I can name several conjunctive adverbs; consequently, my friends are impressed.

Sometimes longer linking words can be used. Note that consequently is the conjunctive adverb (It connects two independent clauses. And it often requires a semicolon and a comma)



And here’s the homework:

Definition of Intellectual Home: The place(s), people, and activity(ies) that help a student do their best academic work.


Homework: Read Salvatore Scibona (Reading menu tab) and write Coffeehouse Post #1: 300 words that answer this question: what is Scibona’s Intellectual Home?


How to post:



Prof. Scanlan