Hi Class,

Thanks for joining our OpenLab site. You should all receive an email of this update in your City Tech inbox.


Here’s an outline of the week:

On Monday we will go over the academic summary and the Five-Part Reading Tool.

In particular, we will review main points from The Guardian article on curiosity (and the format of an email that gets results), and we will also apply the summary and tool to Alexi’s article “Superman and Me.” We will discuss ideas of home and education and discuss the next reading (Scibona’s “Where I learned to Read”) and Coffeehouse #1 (a blog post).

On Wednesday, we will review Scibona’s “Where I learned to Read” and discuss the idea of “Intellectual Home” — a concept that is at the heart of Unit One’s major essay.

Looking ahead: We do not have class on Monday, February 15.


See everybody at 10am on the 8th.



Prof. Scanlan