Kofil Uddin – Conclusion Draft

In conclusion, I found that TikTok had an immense presence in the information that many teenagers were absorbing. It gave many of them new perspectives, showed them new information about the pandemic, and gave safety tips and guidelines for the general public. The part of my research that I found surprising was that TikTok became the most popular app during the pandemic and it was a really big contributor when it came to spreading information about the virus. It helped me get more in-depth into my question because it became more interesting as I went deeper into details. For the most part, it showed me things that I had no knowledge of and it changed my way of thinking as I didn’t think TikTok would have that great of an influence on teenagers. The most important part about this was that TikTok became a fast-growing app due to the coronavirus and it helped to create some stability in our society. It did so by spreading out safety guidelines to follow as we progressed towards safer conditions to go outside. This information is absolutely necessary for teenagers since most of them use the app daily. Since TikTok has a huge influence on many teenagers it can help shape their knowledge of the information they learn about many things. 

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for your work, Kofil.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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