Rayen Osorio-Why are college students sleep deprived and how does it affect their daily life?

Sleep deprivation is a common issue amongst college students that continues to grow and affect their daily life. This is due to students trying to manage work, social life, and various types of entertainment all at once. Throughout the years the different factors that can make a student sleep deprived have only increased and it is important that we know about them since it is something that affects our daily life and how we behave. Students get stressed out which only contributes to them being even more sleep deprived. For example during midterms, and final exams the chances of students staying up all night studying are very high causing them to be sleep deprived in the morning. Not only that, but many students have multiple jobs and issues in their personal life to deal with as well. Since their doing so many things at once without enough sleep it cause them to have mood changes, not be energized enough, constantly yawning, have a tendency to dose off, and overall just having bad concentration and not performing tasks to their best potential.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for this post. Good start to Unit 2.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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