The five types of ethics state that deontology is any system that involves a clear set of rules indicating that certain actions are good or bad, which are always meant to be followed. The main character Jasswinder Smith, in Tony Parsons story “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye” is a UK border agent. Jazz’s job requires her to follow a clear set of rules. The rules she must follow can’t be disobeyed a little bit. Deontology represents two types of ethical duties and one of them is perfect duty.The rules connected to her job can be considered  perfect duties. Jazz mentions in the story that she has police powers. Jazz can arrest someone she believes is a criminal, but she can’t kill an innocent person because she believes the person is a criminal. Jazz also has to follow the rule of not allowing criminals to enter the UK. Jazz’s main duty is to protect the civilians living in the UK by following this rule and she can not break this rule. Jazz states in the book that she has to have an inner alarm bell. Jazz doesn’t just ask for a person’s passport, she analyzes their personality and asks particular questions in order for her to determine if they are a criminal or not. The inner alarm bell she mentioned is a mental tool she created to help her make the correct decision. The statement she made in the story shows how important it is for her to follow this rule.