16 thoughts on “Post your reflections on Diaz 1-3 here. Click on “Comments” to read others’ views.”

    1. A discourse community can range from a very broad group of people to a very specific group of people. They can be based on interests, hobbies, culture or politics. A discourse community I participate in is the art community. Art has the possibility to bring people together and help them connect to each other. Art can lead to conversations about it subject matter and it’s relevance. You can talk about pieces made years ago as if they were made today.

      Artists are always inspired by other artists which can create a connection between them. Going to art galleries, art students or seeing artists online can bring artists together who might be very different from each other. All artists have a process and like showing it to other artists helping them to get better. Art is a very broad discourse community and though all artists can be brought together, there are subcategories. There are fine artists, artists who do stylized work, graphic designers and animators as well.

      1. Word Reflection #2

        The novel “drown” seems to carry a theme of troubled relationships throughout the book. Most chapters of the book at least revolve around Yunior’s relationship to a family member, significant other or friend. The first chapter covers Yunior’s relationship to his brother Rafa. Yunior explains that his brother wants nothing to do with him until the summer where his friends aren’t with him. Rafa is seen throughout the chapter being domination, insulting and emotionally abusive to his more sensitive younger brother.

        The second chapter explores Yunior’s father who is someone he didn’t have any connection to for most of his life. There is another layer added to family relationships there as Yunior’s mother is the only one in her family who still believes in this man. Even Rafa doesn’t believe enough in his father to think he’s coming for them. Yunior’s father makes an effort to bring his family to America and bring them altogether but the theme of a troubled relationship continues. Yunior’s father is cheating on his wife, is very strict, and constantly threatens his children.

        The book looks further into Yunior’s toxic and abusive relationship with his girlfriend Aurora and his friend Beto who had sexual encounters with him. “Drown” is truly about how the relationships around him and his own relationships influenced who Yunior was as a person

    2. A discourse community is a community where someone shares the same beliefs and interests. Believe it or not, everybody is in a discourse community, it can be simply as joining a group on Facebook because they like the same singer. Over the summer I had to take a class for writing because I didn’t pass my writing part of my CUNY assessment. Everybody in the classroom had a mindset that we all need to pass this class to take English 1101 in the fall term. We were in a discourse community. The professor I had for English 1101 was different than any of the English teachers I have had in my years of school. A teacher that uses technology to help us want to write an essay. We had to write a story of a time in life that impacted us, with that information we created a game of our life. It was a pretty cool experience to create a game and to be able to play other classmates’ games and see something personal in their life. The only thing I have trouble with is writing an essay in the first person.
      I didn’t realize the people who are in the same major as me that we are in the same discourse community because we all want a job in the fashion industry. In the novel, I share a similar discourse with the older brother. Being an older sibling is hard sometimes. It also sucks in my situation because I have only one sibling and we are 10 years apart. You can say I might look like a bully to my younger sister because I get annoyed when she wants to tag along going out with my friends. In the first chapter, I saw how the older brother tells Yunior after being sexually assaulted “you think Papi cry’s “ a phrase I heard every time growing up.It seems that you can’t show any emotion if not you are not a man. Most men believe if you show any emotions you are weak like a female. When Yunior was sexually assaulted and didn’t say anything because as a man you believe that only happens to women. I’m pretty sure he was scared to talk because his brother will make fun of him, So he puts aside his feelings as every man does. At the end of the first chapter Yunior brother Rafa breaks a glass bottle over Ysrael head beating him up to see his face because he didn’t want to show them. Rafa is Machismo because he shows aggressive masculine pride and his behavior towards women.
      In chapter 2 we see where Rafa gets his machismo behaviors because we see it all in the father. “ Rafa gave me the look and I gave it back to him: we both knew Papi had been with that Puerto Rican woman he was seeing and wanted to wash off the evidence quickly”. He sees women as objects because why is he messing with another woman when he has the mother of his kids home making him food. Yuinor’s father didn’t want him to eat because he knew he was going to throw up so he got mad when he saw he had finished eating. At the party his father forbids him from eating, threatening him he was going to beat him up, his aunt takes him and sneaks him a plate of food. His father is a jerk.

      1. The relationship between Yunior and Aurora is a reflection of his parent relationship. When he came to America he saw how bad his father would treat his mother by going with other women while being with her. “ We hurt each other too well to let it drop. She breaks everything I own, yells at me like it might change something. When she wants me to promise her a love that’s never been seen anywhere I think about other girls.’’ Since we see this behavior in our household we think it is fine. Just like Aurora will only see Yunior, knowing he just got supply with drugs.It’s a toxic relationship they have Aurora might love Yunoir but can’t fight her needs for drugs so she will do anything to have it.

  1. Throughout the first week of the lecture, we had a discussion on what discourse community is and what roles it plays in our lives. When looking into the discussion more personally, I came to understand that a discourse community is a group of individuals who share a common goal or set of interests. When it comes to me, I am apart of several communities such as my family, my friends, who I am as a student and who I am as a musician. The way I act or speak varies depending on the group of Individuals I’m with. I didn’t realize that until we further discussed it in class.
    Since attending college, I realized that my reading and writing process has changed dramatically because of who and what I associate with. Last semester I had an English and Entertainment Technology professors who were very keen on creating outlines. Now, even as I write this self-reflection I have a physical outline of what I’m going to write so I don’t say too much or too little with the information I present. With these writing techniques, I was able to go from B- essays to B+ or even with my term final, an A. Growing up my mom wrote a lot of personal stories and poems which influenced me to value the gift of reading and push me to further my vocabulary. The Media and Game Design class that I’m taking now is very driven by frame working and the process of doing things in steps. I take that into consideration when I’m writing essays or planing my study schedules for big exams.
    Since going into a deeper discussion of what a discourse community is, I have come to see that communities have different aspects that make them unique. During the lecture, we all went around the room to discuss our majors and career goals that we have. Everyone had something unique about their stories. This showed that each and every person is apart of several discourse communities throughout their lives. When I read the first chapter of Drown, I got a better understanding of what separates a community from another. The narrator wrote in English however, some words were in Spanish showing that he doesn’t only has one way of communication.
    When understanding the roles and modes of how people communicate in a discourse community, it varies. Words have different meanings in different discourse communities. For instance, in class, we discussed the various meanings of the word “dope” within different groups of people. In some groups, dope is referred to as a drug. Other groups, dope means “cool” or even as an insult to call someone dumb. The social context of writing in and out of school is quite different, especially in today’s world. It shows the difference between formal and informal communication. When in school we are taught to write in a specific way that is more professional. The way we text is also a way people communicate in a discourse community. The way friends text with abbreviated words and emojis to show emotion is all part of a discourse community and how we interact with our friends in today’s society. The use of different languages is also what separates people in discourse communities for example, if a group of people who all speak Spanish were talking and an individual who only speaks English were to enter into the conversation he/she would have a very hard time communicating with the group.

  2. Throughout the first week we learned on discourse communities. Discourse communities are like people that share the same type of interest. I am a part of a lot of communities. The discourse communities that I’m a part of are my family, class, basketball team etc. I play basketball where I interact with my teammates. We share a common goal of running plays which helps us reach our goal, which is to score a basket. Same thing on defense we have defensive zones which we set up and work together to stop the opponent from scoring. For example: when we set up a defensive position called “1 2 1”. Which is 1 person at the top, 2 people on the side and 1 person at the back. For this position, if an opponent passes the person on the top then the people from the bottom comes up and helps stop the opponent. Working in groups are great. Last semester when we had English class, we always worked in groups. That helped my writing skills a lot. I am a better writer since last year. I would love to get even better at it. I have never learned about discourse communities until we discussed it class and I am looking forward to discuss more. I want to learn more about discourse communities because it talks about communities and having people interact with each other.
    I had really bad writing skills coming into my first semester of college. I didn’t know how to organize an essay or didn’t know where to start. I have improved drastically since my senior year of high school. Working in groups and discussing about certain topics helped me a lot. I still need to work on my organization of paragraphs because I still struggle and don’t know where to start off. Growing up I just learned to answer questions that turn into an essay. But no one actually taught me how I should organize my writing. For example: If I’m writing an essay about cars I wouldn’t know where to start. I would get confused where I should start. Should I start writing with the raw material of cars? Or should I start from the parts of the cars? Or should I just write about the transmission of cars? This assignment might sound unorganized too because I didn’t know where to start it off and where to start a new paragraph. I need help organizing my writing. I am looking forward to build on my organization skills in this class and become a better writer than I am right now. Discourse community topic can help me in this process because as student we share the classroom, where we can help each other build on skills that we need the most help on.

  3. Through our reading and discussion I have learned that I belong to several different discourse communities such my co workers vs my classmates with the same major and interests as me. Among these communities I found that I share a similar one to Rafa and Yunior from the novel “Drown” by Junot Diaz. I am the youngest and only female sibling to my 3 older brothers who can all be quite violent like Rafa or quiet like Yunior. My brothers each have a role just like in any other community. For instance, my oldest brother is the parent figure or role model and so his actions are more calm, academically focused and mature. On the other hand, I am the wild card in the discourse community, in that I bring everything to the table from advice, arguments to laughter almost similar to Yunior and his underdog character portrayal.

    My discourse community is very hectic or spontaneous in that we speak in whatever manner we feel like and say what pops into our minds which is completely opposite from how we would talk to our employers. For example, you wouldn’t say “Wassup bro!” to your boss or call your co-workers “broski.” Communication is a big part of discourse communities in that it essentially defines it. For instance, you may catch me saying phrases from movies or making dark humor jokes with my brothers and think that I am just joking but that’s how we communicate. Its our way of apologizing, giving hints,  and the occasional laugh. Similar to how Rafa seems to be all big and bad to his younger brother Yunior, I know that our older brothers just want to toughen us up or be a bit of a guide on how not to make the mistakes they did even if they don’t directly tell us that.

    In the first chapter of “Drown” by Junot Diaz, entitled Ysrael, Yunior is sexually assaulted on the bus and later on Ysrael is also assaulted. However, both characters don’t inform anyone of the incidents in the chapter they just go about their day. In their discourse communities, violence and sexual matters are an everyday thing. After a while, you start to get used to these things and they become routine in your daily life. As I read more and learn to understand discourse communities I realized how we naturally adapt to our surroundings or at least I do. Of course you also evolve as a whole in discourse community groups as well but after the change whether big or small, you stick with it for a while until the next major change. One example of this in my discourse community is  the fact they we grew up counting our sentences and paragraphs in highschool because our teacher specifically requested 8 paragraphs with 8 sentences each.  After getting used to this format, my discourse community has no problem writing or typing assignments with a large word, sentence or paragraph requirement. Personally, I feel that I am a strong writer now than I was before college and there are several reasons why I say that. Not only where the achievements and the grades a sign but the fact that I read more and began to naturally use a more developed vocabulary. In the beginning of my writing process I too had trouble in that like Yunior and his dominion community I would speak “Spanglish”; mostly English and some jumbled Spanish words.

    Additionally, this shows the role of communication in that sometimes one thing to us means something completely different to others such as the examples discussed in class ( Dope meaning drugs or cool etc) This idea is also common throughout the different Hispanic cultures as one word might be earring in the Spanish culture and something terrible in a different Spanish culture.

  4. A discourse community is a group or pair of people who share the same interest and can speak amongst each other about it. I consider myself a member of many discourse communities such as gaming communities and basketball discussion communities. During the first week of class I learned that in my communities we use words and phrases that other communities don’t use. If i was to use one of my community words outside my community, nobody would understand me. The best thing about being in a discourse community is that it helps you to be yourself. For example, let’s say that I am in a gaming community, I’d be able to use the feedback and conversations I have with my fellow gamers to make me a better player. I can use tactics from them that can be added to my game. Overall it will make me better.
    My friends and I are in a basketball discussion community. We use an app called Messenger to text or send voice audio to each other. We always touch on the things that happen in real life basketball games. When we find clips of the highlight plays and other plays in basketball games we send it to each other. Our community is healthy because we are all educated on the sport and since there’s a game almost everyday we always have something to say. We use words like “flop” in our community. We understand the word to mean that somebody is exaggerating contact with someone else to attempt to get a foul. This is usually frowned upon. Outside the community, not many people will know what that word means and if they do then they dont use it in the same context.
    In the book “Drown” by Junot Diaz, Rafa seemed to be in a bully discourse community. In the beginning of the book Rafa called his brother a Haitian as an insult and also stated that their mother “only took you in because she felt sorry for you”, implying that his brother was adopted when he actually wasn’t. During the first few chapters Rafa seemed to be the older brother that just pushes his little brother around. Rafa would punch and call his little brother names for his enjoyment or just out of pure anger. In the same community was the father who was the big bully in the household. Nobody would dare get in his way unless they wanted to get a beating.
    In conclusion, discourse communities is a way to connect with people who share the same interest and have the same goals as you do. In my example, my community with my friends is the best way to stay connected to what I love and learn more about what I love everyday.

  5. A discourse community is a community who share common goals. I consider myself in a discourse community as well because its the same as when I’m in my neighborhood and when I’m also at work. It requires a lot of communication and friendliness after all I work as a sandwich artist at Subway. Theirs times when customers come in and take the longest to order but that doesn’t void me from helping that person choose. After my shift is over my co workers would ask me how do you keep up with that ? And I tell them that is just how I am in the sense that I can also be in my neighborhood. We’re very united when it comes to looking out for one another and helping one another. Their was this time when I was walking my dog and since my house was under renovation the front door of my house had no lock, after 30 minutes or so a stranger was inside my house. I have also forgotten my phone in my house so I couldn’t do anything. Good thing my neighbors were across the street and witnessed what was happening so I walked up to them and told them their was a stranger inside my house and they managed to call the cops and the ambulance to help the man who was ill and did not have a clue what he was doing in my house. Overall this is something that I see in my neighborhood and how I apply this sense of discourse community in my job no matter how annoying a customer can get in my work environment.

    In the book,“Drown’’ by Junot Diaz I can compare the idea of discourse community with how Yunior looks up to Rafa who is his older brother. And although bullies his younger brother and picks on him it still doesn’t take away the concept of brother bonding. When they were in the city they would fight a lot argue, it even took their neighbors to separate both of them with a broom which in the end was broken. But, when they are in the campo living with their uncle its the whole different connection they share ideas and experiences to one another although its Rafa who shares his sexual experiences to Yunior. Sure he may be small but he’s certain that he may be able to use his brothers advice. Likewise, in my life I’m the medium brother so theirs a lot of expectations for me and my older brother. My younger brother having to look up to me and me looking up to my older brother. But, in the end I have to lookup to my older brother whose graduating this year and going to medical school which is a big step for him. Theirs a lot to be expected from him and makes me norm to the idea of having an older brother.

    Lastly, I would like to say that being part of a discourse community is essential to creating a norm environment in which we communicate to set a goal in the end. Which is seen both in my life and in the text, “Drown” by Juno Diaz which can be taken into consideration that can be done in any community.

  6. Discourse, the writing or speech toward others through discussion and or communication. The concept of a discourse community can be different for everyone and in my perspective discourse is where people can come together in having something in common. Throughout the discussions in class and throughout my time in school, people come from many different backgrounds but all can relate to something. Either a common goal of finishing school or even having a discussion about knives. In Junot Diaz’s novel “Drown”, he emphasizes the hardship two brothers face without a father in the Dominican Republic, growing up very poor. Throughout the novel, Diaz shows the differences between two very different people, where one brother would pick on the other a bully. However, within this small and poor area, the brothers, Yunior and Rafa, would connect with the other children.

    When reading the passage about Ysrael, this character was the main reason for the character to have discourse. The two brothers will be obsessed with Ysrael and the mask that he wore. Ysrael suffered from a pig eating his face when he was a baby, and that ending up with him becoming disfigure and bullied growing up. Ysrael a nice boy that would help others would be pegged with rocks by Yunior and Rafa encouraging pain to be afflicted. Demanding to see the mask of someone in pain. All the kids in town disliked Ysrael even his own cousin. My view of discourse changes when reading the passage because everyone has a common interest but however this shows cruel morals. The purpose of a discourse community is to have everyone and anyone express themselves to contribute to the community. In “Drown”, the brothers are both influenced by one another, definitely, Rafa becoming the head honcho after their father left the Dominican Republic. The summer is a time where people can let loose and relax, for kids it is a time to not be bored. The goal for the brothers is to do whatever to enjoy their time even though it hurts others in the process.

    Within each discourse community, there must be a mutual understanding of what is going on. Without this mutual understanding, outsiders can not contribute to anything and most likely not be included in the discussion. Diaz emphasizes that no one can really understand how it feels to live without a father and being dirt poor. However, Diaz’s message can be shown that people can live in a discourse community with little relations but has a significant meaning to those that are apart of it.

  7. Throughout the first week of learning, we have a certain understanding of the discourse community. Discourse community as a communication mode of information that relates to writing and speaking. The discourse community is a relatively independent space, and the members in this space will be different according to the groups of the environment and knowledge background. You and your family discourse community members may not be too complicated for the college student group.

    The special discourse patterns of college students are much richer than those of primary and middle school students, and they are also very typical, at least I think so. University students are generally exposed to many concepts and topics that have not been encountered before.
    Because college is a place where people choose their future career, someone in your major course must be with you in the same camp that will be your Discourse community during the college. Your behavior depends on the person or group with you; I mean your discourse community. I call this “To turn red when close to vermilion and black when close to ink.” These discourse patterns affect not only school time but also after graduating from university; in short, the university’s discourse mode has a strong depth influence and orientation or I would say that the discourse community it’s very guided.

    Throughout chapters 1 – 3 In the book, 《Drown》 by author Junot Diaz. We get to know the story about Junior and his older brother Rafa and the masked boy Ysrael. Ysrael was attacked by a pig when he was a baby, and one side of his face was eaten by a pig. So Ysrael was given the nicknamed “No Face.” Junior and his brother Rafa was curious about Ysrael’s face, so their plan was to somehow take off his mask. Ysrael is a good guy; He likes helping others, but the surrounding people treat him maliciously. Junior and his brother Rafa wanted to take away Ysrael’s mask in order to satisfy himself, and they did not consider it would cause pain to Ysrael, it feels like the school bully.

    The discourse community can become complicated and sometimes not even a good thing, but if you fully understand each other and communicate well, it can be a healthy environment.

  8. Throughout the first week of learning, we have a certain understanding of the discourse community. Discourse community as a communication mode of information that relates to writing and speaking. The discourse community is a relatively independent space, and the members in this space will be different according to the groups of the environment and knowledge background. You and your family discourse community members may not be too complicated for the college student group.

    The special discourse patterns of college students are much richer than those of primary and middle school students, and they are also very typical, at least I think so. University students are generally exposed to many concepts and topics that have not been encountered before. Because college is a place where people choose their future career, someone in your major course must be with you in the same camp that will be your Discourse community during the college. Your behavior depends on the person or group with you; I mean your discourse community. I call this “To turn red when close to vermilion and black when close to ink.” These discourse patterns affect not only school time but also after graduating from university; in short, the university’s discourse mode has a strong depth influence and orientation or I would say that the discourse community it’s very guided.

    Throughout chapters 1-3 In the book 《Drown》 by author Junot Diaz. We get to know the story about Junior and his older brother Rafa and the masked boy Ysrael. Ysrael was attacked by a pig when he was a baby, and one side of his face was eaten by a pig. So Ysrael was given the nicknamed “No Face.” Junior and his brother Rafa was curious about Ysrael’s face, so their plan was to somehow take off his mask. Ysrael is a good guy; He likes helping others, but the surrounding people treat him maliciously. Junior and his brother Rafa wanted to take away Ysrael’s mask in order to satisfy himself, and they did not consider it would cause pain to Ysrael, it feels like the school bully.

    The discourse community can become complicated and sometimes not even a good thing, but if you fully understand each other and communicate well, it can be a healthy environment.

  9. In the chapter Aurora, audiences are being introduced to Aurora who is the on and off girlfriend of Yunior. After reading furthermore, we get to see Yunior got out of high school and have started living with a roommate. Since he did not have anyone to guide him through, he chose to sell marijuana to local kids in town in order to make a decent amount of money and live on his own. Later on, the author brings us to the fact that Yunior’s girlfriend has a reputation of drug addiction and violence as she has been sent to juvenile hall. Soon she comes to visit Yunior and claims to be in love with him and want to have a family. They both have a mutual feeling for each other. However, it is still not evident that their emotions for each other is real.
    “Aguantando” is a collection of narratives. Yunior started living in Santo Domingo. As included in the chapter, the narrator lived the first nine years of his life without having his father in the family for which all the family members faces hardships financially and mentally. His mother is the prominent figure in his life; she works long hours at a factory to provide for the family and meet up with all the needs. After reading this section, I felt an extreme sense of poverty that led the family to live like this in a hectic environment. His mother kept encouraging them that their father would come soon to visit them but he never did. At some point, yunior lose all his hopes and stops believing in him. But all of a sudden, they receive a letter from their father that he would be visiting soon. Soon after receiving the letter, his mom has been long gone for weeks. When she returns, she seems distressed, isolated and distant from her kids which upsets Yunior.

  10. Reflection 2

    In the novel, “Drown”, I began to notice there were more apparent themes throughout the more intense chapters. One theme I noticed was Victim vs. Doer. I noticed this when it came to the relationship between the mother and the father. It is a difficult one because of the fact that their mother is still in their home country raising two boys on her own and the father is starting his new life in America. Yunior’s father has made so many promises about returning home which at first left his mother hopeful. Another issue that has left the mother a victim is when Yunior’s father is having an affair with another woman. The devastating part of it is that his sons knew he was having an affair with another woman and had to watch their mother unknowingly suffer this infidelity from a man she loves.

    The idea of dominant vs submissive is also very apparent between each and every significant character in the book. The two people I first noticed it with were Rafa and Yunior. Because of the personality difference between the two brothers, it leaves Rafa completely dominant because he lacks emotional compassion for his brother. Yunior is a lot more sensitive compared to Rafa. When Yunior gets sexually assaulted by a man on the bus and begins to cry. Rafa doesn’t comfort him at all. Rafa doesn’t know that his brother was assaulted but he saw his brother crying and hurting and basically called him a coward for it. I believe that since Yunior witnessed such dominant and emotionally absent men in his life, he, unfortunately, brought that same behavior into his adulthood. Growing up, Yunior was not really violent and had a submissive personality. However, as he grew into a man and started dating he became someone who started to resemble his father and brother. I first started to notice this when he got into a fight with his girlfriend Aurora, in the end, hit her. This was out of character for Yunior but his actions were brought on by influence.

    Another theme was oppressed vs the oppressive. This was apparent when it came to the distant and complicated relationship between Yunior and his father. Yunior’s father was pretty absent in the first few years of his son’s life and even when the family reunited in America, it was still as if they were strangers. Yunior gets no form of affection from his father and often times he gets threatened for eating but never gets any form of confirmation that his father cares. With this harshness that the father has, it’s very difficult for Yunior to keep in touch with what healthy masculinity looks like.

  11. Discourse is the verbal and non-verbal communication between people. A discourse community is a group of people who share similar beliefs and interests. Of course, no one has the same exact interests or beliefs, so there are multiple discourse communities. Many people are in multiple discourse communities, which isn’t a bad thing per se. A person may change in terms of attitude within the group, but not change doesn’t necessarily mean bad. An example of a discourse community would be college. City Tech is a discourse community, but within City Tech, there are more discourse communities. Another discourse community could be photography within City Tech. One important thing to note is that discourse communities may have their own language or sayings within a group.

    A discourse community I’m part of is a writing group. We have specific terms in order to simplify stories or posts. An example would be the term “pafp”. The term “pafp” might sound silly to outsiders and I will admit it does sound rather silly out loud. The term “pafp” means private after first post. Instead of writing private after the first post, the acronym “pafp” was created. The term was originally created because sometimes writers just want to build a story with someone. Usually, the very first person that replies with either question or some sort of interest is the person the writer works with. No one else can join in. Someone who does try to join without knowing the meaning of the term is kindly told that this is private between them and the other person that has replied first. Although, if this is a repeat offender then… They probably won’t be told kindly that they shouldn’t reply and add on to the story. I personally have done maybe at least one “pafp” work, but it’s actually really difficult to go through with it. Sometimes the other writer really can’t respond due to personal issues and the story is usually unfinished. Still, the attempt is something to treasure.

    Moving on to the book “Drown” by Junot Diaz, one of the discourse communities would have to be Yunior’s family. Yunior doesn’t have the best relationship with his father, but he does see his father as a role model. A role model of what is considered a macho man. However, his father is rather strict with him. His father would yell at his mother for allowing him to each, considering he vomits in the car when the family goes to a party. The relationship with Yunior and Rafa isn’t exactly that great either. Rafa isn’t afraid to tell Yunior to shut up when Yunior says something about their father. Rafa is also what they call a ladies man, which Yunior has a distaste for. Although, the boys do share a certain understanding when their father immediately showers when returning home. They both know their father is cheating on their mother, but they don’t tell their mother. Speaking of their mother… Yunior has a positive relationship with his mother. His mother looks out for him and gives him food when he’s not supposed to.

    In conclusion, discourse communities have different forms of communication due to each discourse community being unique. This uniqueness could be for the worse and it could be for the best, it really depends on the members of the community and the rules in the community that must be followed.

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