Coronavirus Reflection

The ongoing coronavirus has affected many countries. Countries such as Italy who have shut down and refused to let anyone come into the country or leave. Here in New York schools have closed down and many people aren’t working. A once crowded city looks deserted. Coronavirus did exist before this whole world epidemic, this disease just affected animals instead of humans.This became a worldwide epidemic because  a certain person in China ate a bat and they didn’t realize that bat had the corona-virus. And due to this the person walking freely they were able to infect other people and it started to escalate. I remember when the corona-virus was just affecting China, I never imagined it to spread to many other countries making it a threat. This whole situation to me is weird. Not seeing as many people outside my block, not hearing the train passing everytime makes me realize how I just want my normal everyday routine to come back. There’s been 30,000 cases in the United States. This virus affects people 60 and older. Younger people can still be affected but they have more chance in surviving than older people whose immune system is weaker. Many hospitals in New York are full of coronavirus patients and need even more space for new patients. This reminds me of a movie called I am Legend with Will Smith which was shot here in New York where Will Smith plays the only survivor in trying to come up with a cure of a worldwide virus and the people with the virus are walking zombies. This situation reminds me of this movie because everything in the city is so quiet and I’ve been stuck in my house for 3 weeks without going out. Me and my family are taking precautions when we go out only for necessities and wearing masks and gloves when we go out and to wash our hands when we come back.


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