Hannah Jones Reflection

After reading the 1619 project I was really shocked because the cases and events that were presented in the article were in fact hard to read ranging from lynchings to beatings. The author states how she is merely confused about how her father is proud of such a country after all that hate that was presented to the afro-americans. That is when a key point pops up and it is that the afro-americans took part in building present day America and this should be why they should feel proud and honor their flag. After reading the 1619 article I went and read the fact checking article and the “After all, didn’t america invent slavery?” article and these articles brought up many points. I related to the “After all, didn’t america invent slavery?” article because when slavery would be brought up I would point the fingers to the United States and would mostly relate slavery to America but after reading this I can see that slavery has existed before it took place in America. Besides this, the fact checking article fact checks  the main idea that America wanted to gain independence in order to preserve slavery and the articles refutes the two events that took place which were the Somerset v. Stewart and the 1775 proclamation.

After reading the article, we can relate the topic of slavery to the present day relating it to the topic of immigration. Lately, in the U.S we have seen a huge number of immigrants entering the U.S illegally and legally and the deportation of these immigrants as well. We have seen two sides to this main topic and they are that most of these immigrants are criminals and are taking away many opportunities for americans and come here for no good while the other point is that immigrants come to this country to provide a better life for their family as well as for themselves and they are escaping their country due to many problems arising. I support the second argument because many people come to the U.S in order to stabilize themselves and to support themselves financially by getting a job or even to get an education. Besides this, I can take a point from the 1619 article and say that just like afro-americans, immigrants are fundamental in building present day America and we see this from all over starting with running the economy by either working in their careers and contributing to the U.S by paying their taxes and even fighting for their own country. There are many rebuttals in which talk about how they have had a bad influence on the country because of their criminal activity but they also forget that immigrants aren’t the only people that commit these sort of crimes, native born american also take part in this increasing criminal activity in the United States. We should be proud because immigrants are the engine to the United States as their hard work propels the United States to succeed even more.


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