Our system combines sensing network with cloud-based visualization tools. Using Arduino Uno as the main controller, the DHT22 sensor collects temperature and humidity data which is connected to the WiFi network by means of the ESP8226 module. The data gathered from the sensor are stored onto Thingsboard through the MQTT protocol (See Figure 1) and visualized on the dashboard.
Math 1275 is not a easy class for every City Tech student. Before taking this class I thought it would be easy because I took Algebra and Trigonometry when I was in high school but now that I am currently taking this class I noticed that it is not that easy as I though. The purpose of this poster is to help the students who are having trouble understanding this course. I choose the basic topics of this course. On each of this topics I have explained their solutions step by step and I also decided to choose a necessary image of a parabola to make the explanation of the solution even more clear. Lastly, in my point of view this poster is clear and contains the necessary information.
2020 presidential elections are around the corner and marihuana legalization at the federal level is always a heated topic of discussion. About two-thirds of Americans believe marihuana should be legal, and 33 states plus the District of Columbia have taken matters into their own hands by legalized cannabis for medical use. However, is the effectiveness of cannabis-based medicine backed by evidence? I evaluated the effectiveness of cannabis in pain management, and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting mitigation. My analysis found moderate-quality evidence for treatment of chronic pain, and low-quality evidence for mitigation of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients.
My project is based on a problem that I had in network class, where we were not capable to perform some experiments because the college network is so “secure”. We need more access to different layers of a network to understand what happened there, so I decide to design our own network lab. The design is as simple as possible to permit students to interact freely with the network and explore each level as needed. Counting with an office router, an external internet connection and just the necessary levels of security this network is perfect for students to develop their knowledge.
Well, the cause of the disease is not completely understood. But many factors have been associated with it, along with hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, infections, smoking. Several researches also said obesity. But the main cause in unclear. In this research we want to focus in this pathogenic bacterium called Staphylococcus Pasteurii which was found in the atherosclerosis plaque and was also found to contains Auxin. Auxin, arising from nature is indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), is predominantly biosynthesized from tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential aromatic amino acid, meaning that the body cannot synthesize it. Humans need to take it from their diet. We want to investigate what is its purpose and if there is a relationship between the activation process to form atherosclerosis plaque, more specific with the proliferation of smooth muscle cells.
This semester, I used an engine block to demonstrate the use of computer software throughout the design and manufacturing process. This project was important because it shed light on the importance of knowing and being skilled in these software as they reduce time and cost while increasing accuracy and efficiency. I used SolidWorks to create the technical drawing and download the 3D model. I then used Mastercam to simulate the machining of the part. Mastercam can generate a code based on my work that will then be used to machine the actual part. The future of computer software in design and manufacturing consists of collaborative workspaces within and between several software.
Why study the pocket penetrometer? It is a commonly used field apparatus approved by leading organizations such as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). Our question as we approached the research is, is the pocket penetrometer dependable in the field? With limited access to the laboratory for the semester, comparative data is limited. With more tests and varying samples, the reliability of the devise can be determined. A geotechnical engineer may question, how can both tests be performed on the same sample? Due to the nature of the undrained compression testing, the sample maintains its volume and weight properties. Then comes the question of why it is important? Data is used to determine load capabilities of the soil for the base of large structures. If these values are incorrect to begin with, then all engineered calculations have the potential to fail, and individuals, infrastructure, and industries will pay the price.
This project focuses on the major fundamentals of construction contracts. The basis of this project is to introduce and educate the NYCCT community on why construction contracts are important, the key parties involved, its 5 essential ingredients, and the four major forms of this agreement; which are lump-sum fixed contracts, cost plus contracts, time and materials contracts, and unit price contracts. Construction Contracts are utilized by the residential, building, engineering, and industrial construction industries. A chart is positioned on the poster exhibiting the level of risks to the parties, depending on which contract is used. The relationship between the owner, who determines when a project is needed, and the general contractor who builds it. The designer, usually the architectural engineer consultant, is the owner’s agent. A hierarchy chart is included, which illustrates the roles and responsibilities of all involved to make the build a reality. Failure on the part of the owner or contractor to successfully fulfill the terms and conditions of a construction contract could be detrimental. A breach may result in arbitration or lawsuits.
This research evaluates the impact of different treatments on Parkinson’s Disease, and determines the most effective option. Parkinson’s is a common neurological that causes difficulty performing activities of daily living. It is pertinent for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s or who have relatives affected by the disorder to be fully informed in all aspects. I analyzed seven controlled drug studies, and three studies on therapeutic procedures performed on individuals with untreated Parkinson’s. I compared all these treatment options in two categories to determine which produced the most benefits, and the least amount of downsides. The results suggest that one drug called Amantadine is the best pharmacological option for Parkinson Disease. Amantadine has the best ratio of therapeutic benefits to adverse reactions. In addition, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) was found to be the most effective therapeutic procedure. Despite the post-operative complications of DBS, it holds numerous benefits.
Each state healthcare delivery system varies based on the size and demographics of the population and its availability of the resources. This project analyzes the healthcare delivery system in the state of Minnesota. Minnesota is one of the few states that has high overall healthcare performance and quality care outcomes. The demographics in Minnesota have shifted and the region has become more diverse in race and ethnicity for the past ten years. The health disparities persist among populations of color, leading to high mortalities and increased health care costs.