Professor Kate Poirier | D030 | Fall 2022

Category: Weekly checklists (Page 2 of 7)

Week 16 checklist

Tuesday, December 13 to Monday, December 19


Recommended HOT topic Thursday, December 15

  • 11. Find the volume of a solid of revolution
  • Double session: attempt a maximum of 4 HOT topic standards

WeBWorK Due Monday, December 19, 11:59pm (all WebWorK sets due)

  • Application – Volumes of Revolution
  • Application – Arc Length
  • Application – Surface Area

OpenLab assignments: 

  • Make your own practice exam due Monday, December 19, 11:59pm
  • Old OpenLab assignments due Thursday, December 15, 11:59pm


  • Withdrawing from a course; final exam info (announcement)
  • Final exam: Tuesday, December 21

Week 15 checklist

Tuesday, December 6 to Monday, December 12


Recommended HOT topic Thursday, December 8

  • 10. Find the area of a region in the plane with specified boundaries


  1. Due Monday, December 19, 11:59pm (Hard deadline)
    • Applications – Area Between Curves (complete before Week 16)
    • Application – Volumes by Slicing (complete before Week 16)
    • Application – Volumes of Revolution
    • Application – Arc Length
    • Application – Surface Area
  2. Due Tuesday, December 20, 12:00am (Hard deadline, one minute later than deadline for Application sets)
    • All old sets have been reopened

OpenLab/Group assignments: Due Monday, December 12, 11:59pm

  • Submit the full solution for one of the questions you struggled with from Test #2
    • Title: Test # Solutions
    • Category: Test #2 Solutions
    • Include your test version and question number (your test version is time listed at the top of the page; e.g., 5:44pm)
  • See old weekly checklists to see old OpenLab assignments. Ensure that you have completed any OpenLab old assignments (group or individual) that you think you have completed. Complete any assignments that you have not yet completed. Each OpenLab assignment earns you one participation point.
    • There are some old posts in the drafts folder that were never actually posted. (OpenLab will not publish a post without a category selected, for example.) To see your own draft posts, under MAT 1575 Calculus II at the very top of the screen, select Dashboard. On the far left side of the Dashboard screen, select Posts. Above the list of posts, there’s an option to select Drafts.
    • Make sure your post titles and categories match what’s given in the instructions so that your posts can be found later.

Student evaluations of teaching:

  • Check your CityTech email
    • Sender name: NYC College of Technology Course Evaluations
    • Sender address:
  • Deadline: Friday, December 9
  • Read articles/studies about bias in student evaluations of teaching (here is an example)
  • Stay tuned for a more customized survey from me


  • Withdrawing officially and unofficially (information here)

Coming up…

Week 16

  • Last day to withdraw from class: Wednesday, December 14
  • HOT topics make-up double session in class Thursday, December 15
    • You may attempt a maximum of 4 standards
  • Last day for submitting late OpenLab work: Thursday, December 15
  • Last day for taking make-up test for Test 1 or Test 2 if you were absent: Thursday, December 15
  • Last day for office hours: Thursday, December 15

Week 17

  • Final exam: Tuesday, December 20
    • 10 questions
    • 100 minutes
    • Cheat sheet allowed: one side of one page, hand written by you
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