If the Zoom links change later in the semester, the updates will be posted here.

COLD sessions

Checking in Online and Live Discussion (COLD) sessions are scheduled for Tuesdays from 10am to 11am.

Zoom link (password is in a Blackboard announcement)

HOT topics presentations

HOT topics presentations are 10-minute weekly scheduled one-on-one Zoom interviews with your instructor. Information is on the HOT Topics page here. The schedule is here.

For HOT topic presentations, you will be placed in the Zoom waiting room until it’s your turn. Please arrive on time. Don’t worry if the presentation before yours runs a little late and you have to wait in the waiting room for a few extra minutes.

Zoom link (password is in a Blackboard announcement)

Study group meetings on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Study groups may meet to go over lessons together, to discuss WeBWorK homework questions, or to practice HOT topics presentations. Study groups may meet then and decide whether to meet at other times.

Starting Thursday, September 17, groups will meet using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra instead of Zoom. Log into Blackboard and click on your MAT 1575 course. The BCU link is on the left of the screen. You may join any of the sessions, depending on what you need to talk about.

More information is in this announcement.

The list of official study groups is on this page.