Thursday, December 17 & Friday, December 18
- Before you take your exam, sign up for a post-test interview time slot here.
- Grab your student ID card so it’s handy when you’re scanning your work. Set a timer for 2 hours and 30 minutes. This will count down to the time that your written work must be uploaded by.
- Watch this 2-minute video before you begin your exam.
- Log into WeBWorK and start your timer at the same time as clicking Take MAT 1575 FINAL EXAM test to access your questions. This will appear near the bottom of the page.
- Write out your solutions to your questions on paper. Show all your work. Label your questions clearly. Include your name and EMPLID on each piece of paper.
- Scan your work to create a single PDF of all your written work. Include your student ID card in the scan; place it on the page but make sure it’s not covering any of your work. Name your file lastnameMAT1575FinalExam.pdf.
- Submit your work: upload your written work here. You have 30 minutes.
- Complete the post-exam survey here for participation credit (it’s short!).

Most of the information below appears in the original Test #1 post, but is copied here for convenience.
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