Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

Author: Imane (Page 3 of 3)

Imane’s thoughts on “Is math real”

To be completely honest, I have wondered about the same questions Gracie had. The main one I had was how did they even know at a 100% to prove that their theories are true. And if mathematicians, physicists, philosophers… were not able to prove it , would that imply that we wouldn’t even be using math at all?. What would today’s world look like without mathematics and anything else that is math related? I just think about stuff like that from time to time. I used to ask myself if I was dumb to even think about those questions. But now that it’s a discussion, I realize that it wasn’t as dumb as I thought it was.

Introducing Imane

Hello, my name is Pougraoua Fatim Imane Sana, I go by Imane. This is my 1st semester as a sophomore. I am a civil engineering major. My favorite color is purple, I love parrots. My hobbies are swimming and playing tennis. I also love hanging out with my friends. I did not enjoy taking calculus I mainly because it was online. However, I am exited to be taking calculus II and I am hoping for this semester to be different.
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