Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

Author: Aram

Introducing Aram Cha

My name is Aram Cha. My major is “Computer Science”. Truth be told, I only chose this major because I thought with this major, I can find ways to program and hack into video games. Video games are my hobby. Books I find myself reading would be Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. It was the first book I read from beginning to the end back in my elementary school days. I’m not crazy for animals but I have a very soft spot for dogs and cats especially. I also have soft spots for baby animals. I have a lot of favorite movie franchise such as Jurassic Park, John Wick, Godzilla, and many more. Marvel Cinematic Universe is my number one favorite, with Avengers: Endgame and Captain America: Civil War being two of my best favorites. My favorite video games may include Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Super Smash Bros., Final Fantasy, Persona, Grand Theft Auto, etc. But my favorite video game franchise of all time is Fire Emblem. I’m currently streaming Fire Emblem: Three Houses in my twitch channel. With that out of the way, as time went by, I slowly began to question my major. During the quaratine, I have been watching shows, listening to voices, audios, etc has inspired me to follow my dreams of becoming a voice actor. My only regret is that I wish I took drama class, acting class, and other classes that would benefit and improve my vocals to pursue and successfully get that dream career. I thought it may be too late to change my major as this is my last academic year in City Tech and I would rather pass my classes, graduate and get my degree. I would say I’m good at video games, cooking (I’m still learning), putting pieces of story together in movies or stories, reading and putting emotions into it, and procrastinating (which I need to stop doing lol). Everyone in my family are great singers. My late mother was very good at opera. I wouldn’t say I’m the best singer but I don’t think I’m terrible at it. What I’m proud of myself is that I learned and I’m continuing to grow. I have done things I’m not proud of and I have done things I regretted so much that I wished I could go back in time and rectify that mistake. I’m proud that I use those mistakes, regret, and my past stupidity self to help me to grow, mature, and be the person I’m meant to be. I am not perfect. I am not the most smartest person in the world. And I may still make mistakes. But I keep pushing, improving, maturing, thinking, and always and will try my best to persevere and be the person I want to be. I hope that if anyone is reading this, just know that you always have room to grow. Don’t ever take things for granted and always continue to improve. Hard work pays off and in the end, it will be very satisfying. I hope to use this assignment to remember what I said so I pass this class without failure.

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