Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

Imane’s thoughts on “Is math real”

To be completely honest, I have wondered about the same questions Gracie had. The main one I had was how did they even know at a 100% to prove that their theories are true. And if mathematicians, physicists, philosophers… were not able to prove it , would that imply that we wouldn’t even be using math at all?. What would today’s world look like without mathematics and anything else that is math related? I just think about stuff like that from time to time. I used to ask myself if I was dumb to even think about those questions. But now that it’s a discussion, I realize that it wasn’t as dumb as I thought it was.

1 Comment

  1. Kate Poirier

    Imane, I love your remarks here. Thinking about the philosophy of math isn’t something we usually get to do too much in our math courses, because we’re so focussed on the math content which can get pretty abstract…so that might explain why it can make someone feel dumb to have these questions or think about these things. But having these questions actually makes you curious and smart!

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