Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

Assignment: MAT 1575 X MAT 2680 collab

Due Sunday, October 18, 11:59pm

MAT 1575 students’ instructions

MAT 1575 students, the instructions here are not for you! Do not comment on this post! See the post with your instructions over on the MAT 2680 site here.

MAT 2680 students’ instructions

MAT 2680 students, welcome to the MAT 1575 site! Many of you took MAT 1575 at CityTech but for those of you who didn’t: MAT 1575 is CityTech’s Calculus II course. The students in this class have just finished learning about integration techniques and they’re about to start learning about infinite series. So far, the analytic methods you’ve been learning to solve differential equations involve evaluating a lot of integrals. Later in the semester, you’ll learn a method that uses Taylor series to solve differential equations (but shhhhh, the MAT 1575 students haven’t officially seen Taylor series yet!).

So the MAT 1575 students are like past versions of you! They’re just a little bit behind where you are in their math journeys. What advice do you have for them to help them succeed?

  • Maybe you’d like to tell them what skills or material you think is most important from MAT 1575?
  • Maybe you’d like to tell them what you wish they’d learned better from MAT 1575?
  • Maybe you’d just like to tell them how you succeeded in MAT 1575?
  • Maybe you’d like to tell them something more personal like what your major is, what you like about differential equations, what you liked about Calculus II, or what other math classes you have to take?

Your instructions for this assignment are simple: in the comments below, give the MAT 1575 students some unsolicited advice.

Since you have not commented in this group before, your comments will not appear right away. They have to be approved by the administrator first, but the administrator is me and I’ll approve any advice as long as itis not too inappropriate. Anyone who offers any advice will earn participation credit.


  1. Oscar Pais

    Hello MAT 1575 Students,

    My name is Oscar and I am pursuing a BS Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. I have about four classes left before graduation.

    For my degree’s curriculum Differential Equations (MAT2680) is the last required math class. However myself and a few of my classmates are considering taking Calculus III to streamline getting into a CUNY master’s degree program.

    If I were to offer advice to myself when I was in MAT 1575 I would have said: Have a notebook that has a very terse refresher on one technique and try to fit it on one page. Limit one technique per page, and have an example at the bottom with real numbers, not just u’s and v’s.

    I didn’t do well in MAT 1575 and that has led to my lack of confidence in subsequent math heavy classes. There were Calc I and II topics that I had to RELEARN in other classes that assumed I was proficient at them and that takes a big bite out of my time budget.

    Do a google search for “Laws of Learning”:
    – Exercise—tasks most often repeated are best remembered.
    – Recency—tasks most recently practiced are best remembered.

    Good luck and don’t forget +c!

  2. Jian Hui

    Hello MAT 1575 Students,
    Practice on your Derivatives and Antiderivatives in Calculus 2. Basic on my experience work on First Derivatives and Second Derivatives in order to pass Calculus 2. There might be Third Derivatives and more but I don’t often see them. You must know how to do Derivatives and Antiderivatives or else you will have trouble in Calculus 2 and in future math class. Some of the most important Derivatives and Antiderivatives you might want to practice is sin, cos, tan, cot ,sec, and csc. Write down formula (if there any) for that topic. Always ask the Professor ” What the formula for that topic to solve the problem. ” Once you know the formula make sure you understand the formula and how to use it.

  3. Sierra Morales

    Hey guys!

    My name is Sierra Morales, I’m a fourth year student pursuing a BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET).

    Something that I want you all reading to take away is: Be patient. As you progress into the course, you’ll notice that everything gets tedious. In order to avoid any sort of mess, always set up your problem before diving in; try writing the integration by parts formula at the top so that you can clearly identify what you’re working with (since you’re about to start infinite series). Write your work step-by-step, DON’T SKIP A STEP, you’ll miss something. I know I have. There were times where I was rushing to get my quizzes or tests in before anyone else, I don’t know why—I think that’s just my competitive side but, take it easy. There should be no rush, always double check your work even if you think its perfect, there may be a simple flaw.

    Always start with positive mindset, carry that over through each class. Even when you do something wrong, or may not get the material right away, don’t weigh yourself down. You have a wonderful and willing professor, nitpick at her brain, she has tons to offer. Practice writing out your method and reason for solving each problem the way you did, it’s a great way remember each technique, especially when you get to the final. Last thing I want you guys to take away: PLEASE take notes, I understand that today’s circumstances may put some students in a difficult situation however, if you don’t invest in your future, whether we’re in person or remote, you’re doing yourself an injustice. That’s something I learned taking a Calc I course in college. Always invest in yourself to ensure that you succeed in life….it also doesn’t hurt to spend your money accordingly and not waste it on a failed-no effort course.

    If you guys need help with any of your studies, I’m a peer advisor for the MET department, feel free to check us out in OpenLab, we have an advisor in all Tech and Design major.

    Here’s the link:

    If you have any questions or concerns about the school, I am also your SGA secretary, feel free to reach out to me via email:

  4. Sheyla Criollo

    My name is Sheyla and I’m a second year pursing a BS in Computer Engineering Technology.
    I did get an A in my Calculus II class and I have held onto my notes if anyone wishes to contact me and use them to study or understand a topic slightly better. Calculus has always been one of my favorite math sections and the fact that differential equations has it included is great. I would suggest to use webwork as a sort of practice and study guide since those would greatly help you on exams. Also do not jumble up your work on one side of the paper. There are various moments were you have to do separate calculations and placing them all on one spot will confuse you and the professor. You will most likely get confused as to what you are doing and mess up on finding the correct answer. If you decide to take Differential Equations in the future, please try to do well and understand this class properly because it will make your life easier with MAT 2680.

  5. Brian Enriquez

    -Get a table of trig relationships
    -Get a table of integrals and derivatives
    -Practice rational expression manipulation
    -Practice step by step solving for troubleshooting
    -Get comfortable with using different variables or general forms
    -Do well in the math classes if you want to transfer to Grove School of Engineering for Mech.E (they do more math in their program specific classes than CityTech) or have a portfolio

    If any of you are thinking of pursuing a degree that requires higher levels of calculus (like Calc 3, Linear Algebra, or Differential Equations), then you should really try to learn or at least memorize the integration techniques that you’ll encounter–they’ll be your foundation for future classes. (Having a table of common integrals help too). Also, try to review your algebra, mainly how to manipulate rational expressions and trig relationships. The math will only get more tedious even if you find a shortcut, so always take your time and solve step by step so that you can troubleshoot.

    Even though I said to memorize, gaining the intuition as to which techniques to use in a problem and what the techniques actually mean is more important. Intuition through practice and just asking/researching.

  6. Richard Li

    I’m in the mechanical engineering major and I would say know the basic integrals and derivatives. Take your math courses in order back to back and don’t stop. Leaving a gap year for other classes is probably not the best option, since you will be forgetting most of it anyways, making the follow up math classes just a bit harder. If math is not for you, just leave now. Otherwise, just do the best to your ability to pass the class. The funny thing is calc 1 was harder than calc 2. So good luck out there, even if you don’t get a good grade because any major requiring higher level math is pretty hard. Props to us.

  7. Ryjll Morris

    Hey Guys,
    I’m Ryjll Morris and I am doing Computer Engineering Tech. I’m actually a transfer student so I did not have to take MAT1575 here. However I did do differentials and integrals prior to coming to City Tech. I’ll be honest, I don’t remember it being so hard. I would say the best way to get through any math course is Prayer, Practice and YouTube because that’s how I survive. The struggle is real! But I guess if you try your best to learn as much as you can in your current class it may make this one easier for you. Or not. Either way, Good luck! You have a lot to deal with next lol.

  8. Dief

    Hello MAT1575 students!
    My name is Dief G. and the following are some tips that could help you in your class and for future math classes.
    To start, I’ll be honest with you by saying that I’m pretty good at math and it is actually my favorite subject. I know for many of you it may be a struggle, but I will tell you what have helped me succeed in that class.
    My main strategy was to always have the main formulas written aside or on the margin of the note pages. Some of the main rules that will help you throughout all the semester and for future classes, especially differentials, are the Basic Integration rules (Chain, Product, Quotient, and Power rules). Those will involve in mostly if not every problems you try to solve. Some of the topics that I wished I learned better are Integration by Parts, Trig. substitutions, Partial Fractions etc… One thing to note is that the trig. functions and formulas will be encountered everywhere. So, make sure to have those noted or memorized.
    Since the pandemic hit, it became hard for me to focus on online classes. Thus, I would always have a little time reserved to review all the recordings. It was helpful to me because I got to forward the videos and understand them at the pace that I wanted (I am still using the same strategy in my current Math class).
    So, anything you do not understand, you can review them at any time. Plus, the professors (especially Prof. Poirier) are welcome to help you through email.
    I wish you luck and be safe!

  9. Jennifer Agudelo

    Hello class of 1575 ! One of the biggest advice I would have for you guys is to memorize the derivatives of the most basic stuff for example knowing all the derivatives of all trig functions the log function and the e function just because it will save you a lot of time for problems with multiple steps. U substitution will help you a lot my biggest trick is changing the variable when you have to do it twice. Next YouTube will be your biggest help !! there’s people out there that have done your question just different numbers they will go step by step with you, pause that video as many times till you get it .

  10. Ariel Itshaik

    Hi guys, My name is Ariel Itshaik!.
    Im a newcommer to City Tech and im aiming to get my BS in Computer Engineering.

    Ive always been math oriented ever since i was a little kid. On my AP Calc AB i recieved a score of 5 and throughout college my grades in math were always high.
    Calculus is mprobably one of my favorite math subjects because its very interesting to me how someone thought of all of this years and years ago. Calc 2 was especially riveting as it includes finding the areas between two unique curves in a multitude of different methods. If anybody is in need of help u can contact me anytime, im always willing to assist. As a reference i would suggest youtube videos and really doing a LOT of review questions to really get good at the topic. Sometimes the algebra can get mixed so you should try to be neat with your work. If not u can get easily confused.

    I highly recommend taking MATH 2680 as its a great transition from Calculus. It focuses on manipulating differential equations in order to understand different concepts and apply them. As long as you are determined to do great in MATH 1575 i guarantee you will do good in Differentials as well.

  11. Jason Zhu

    I am pursing a BS in Civil Engineering. The materials you should remember are integrals and derivatives. I would say the best way to get through this math course or any other math course is keep on practicing different kind of problems. If you don’t understand the materials, you should watch videos, and ask for help. Also you should go to office hours. Furthermore, you shouldn’t give up if you do badly on your first exam.

  12. F.Gonzalez

    Hey MAT1575 students!
    My name is Fabio Gonzalez and I am a third year student studying Mechanical Engineering. I think the most basic tips to follow in this class are tips you would follow in all your classes and in your everyday career. Make sure to get a good amount of sleep, don’t procrastinate with your work and always space it out so you are not overwhelmed. Time are tough now, but getting through this will be worth it. Stay safe and Good luck!

  13. Account Deleted

    Dear Math 1575 Student

    I am the student of Computer Engineering technology . i took class Math 1575 in spring 2020. I got A. I always do math using formula. So i make a cheat sheet for all formulas like trigonometric, integration, differentiation, integration by parts (the main formula using in 1575) , (height, base, adjacent–>> to find sin , cos , tan angel) . Export all PDF from web work and do practice and submit professor. Also ask with you friend and see how she solved. Make a whats app group or email or open lab to get help to solve your problem. JUST DO PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. ASK EMAIL PROFESSOR.

  14. Tushar Shorma

    Hi MAT 1575 Students, my name is Tushar Shorma and I’m pursuing a bachelors in computer engineering, entering my 3rd academic year at city tech. I have one important message about college and preparation period, please don’t cheat yourself. There is no “I don’t know what I’m doing” or “I’ll never use this in my life” bs, because you’r in college understand that you choose to be here and you want to succeed. Professors want to help the student their not your enemy, they want you to do well so if you struggle seek help, look up math tutorials etc. I took Calc 2, during week 2 of the Summer 2020 classes and I took calc 1 during week 1, my prof understood my work load and helped me after classes and saw how badly I wanted to succeed in his class. I got the grade I felt I didn’t deserved, I had an 89 average in the class and got rewarded with an A and I can see how my professor saw I took his class serious and wanted to do well. Prof POIRIER, is very responsive on emails and helps out students before class. Study hard give it your all and don’t cheat, you will be rewarded for being honest.

    Hope this helps some of you guys out, CALC 2 was fun but DE is another tuff course, SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASEEE!!!!
    But im doing the work looking up extra work etc to understand it, doing work outside of class is just as important.

    Hope this help Good Luck in Calc 2!

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