Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

Anthony’s prompt for Week 16

Hi all, I would like to ask you the following (Choose at least one prompt)

  1. In your opinion, what math topic(s) you have learned in Calculus 2 (this class) are the hardest? What about the easiest? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Is there a math topic that took you a while to understand? (For example, I didn’t understand basic substitution until we learned improper integrals). Explain how that particular math topic took you a while to understand. When did you start understanding that topic after a while?
  3. What is the most enjoyable part of this class? Provide details.

Add your answer as a comment below for participation credit.


  1. Kevinces

    1.) In your opinion, what math topic(s) you have learned in Calculus 2 (this class) are the hardest? What about the easiest? Explain your reasoning.

    I think the hardest topic for me to learn was any topics that had to do with Limits. Because I never understood the concept of limits. It took me a while to learn it and understand it. I didn’t understand what I was looking for when I was determining whether the functions converges and diverges. The easiest topic for me was topics that had to do with integration. I already knew the derivatives, so finding the anti derivates was easier.

  2. Ines Bissat

    The topics that are hard for me are series, finding the volume and area under the curves. There are so many types of series tests that I will sometimes be lost finding which one is the correct test to use. I really struggle with series and even now I still don’t think I fully understand it. Find the volume and area under the curves, have so many steps that if not careful all the results will be wrong just because of one mistake. The easiest topic for me in calc 2 are trig-substitution and integrals. Finding the antiderivatives of the problem is easy since I already know what the derivatives are. The most enjoyable part of the class is not the math part for me, but it’s when we’re working in a group. I get to hear different ways in which some of my classmates go about solving certain problems assigned that I might not have thought about before. I really appreciate people from my group because they always show up on time and ready to do the assignments.

  3. KatieSalas

    Hello All! The most difficult part for me has been the volumes by revolution. I have a hard time seeing the shape. But I think I’m getting the hang of it. 🙂 The easiest has definitely been the p-test. I wish all the convergence tests were as simple. Thanks for asking Anthony!

  4. Schear

    The hardest topic for this class for me was the convergence tests, it has messed up my mind a lot :/ It was hopeless at first, as I thought I wasn’t going to understand no matter what, but then I talked to Professor Poirier so much about it that I knew what it was that I was missing.
    The other topics were ok, some of them I have to really put my mind to so that I fully understand, but other than that the rest are fine!

  5. Tamera

    The hardest topic for me was area and finding the volume. I had a hard time figuring out where to place my equations in the formula and when I would graph them to see if that would help it only made me more confused. I kind of got it but sometimes I get problems that trip me up. The easiest topic for me was probably partial fraction decomposition. I didn’t have a hard time using that integration method.

  6. Rafaeldiaz2435

    The topic that took me the longest to understand was trig substitution. I just could not figure out how to continue the question after I found out which signs I had to use. It took me a week to answer one trig sub question.

  7. Aram

    1) In your opinion, what math topic(s) you have learned in Calculus 2 (this class) are the hardest? What about the easiest? Explain your reasoning.

    In my opinion, trigonometric substitution was the most complicating topic mainly because it involved a lot of multiplying, putting in COT, TAN, SIN, etc. The steps to solving trigonometric substitution, I found it complicating. Easiest topics were antiderivatives, partial fractions, u-substitution, and taylor polynomials. I found it more easy and simple solving those because I found their methods not difficult to understand and so, I was able to understand it fast.

  8. Anthony Regner (A278+π)

    The moment you have been waiting for…

  9. jaquawn MILLER

    In my opinion Volumes of Revolution: is the hardest because I can not find the cross sections for the problems. Therefore, I can not visualize the shape. This is my next challenge to overcome.

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