Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

Introducing… Anthony John Regner!


Good day everyone! I am at my second year of college. My pronouns to use is (he, his, him). I am majoring in computer science, because I have strong math and computer science skills (FYI… I spend at least eight hours on the computer every day). After I have taken MAT1475 (Calc 1), I am starting to like mathematics again, just because I took that class seriously. In addition, this brings back good memories about the Everyday Mathematics program, in which math became my favorite subject at that time. According to my DegreeWorks, I will be taking these math classes next: Intro to Linear Algebra (MAT2580), Discrete Structures and Algorithms II (MAT2540), and maybe… Differential Equations (MAT2680). Although I will continue my associates here in City Tech and bachelor’s degree in Hunter College, I am not certain of what I’ll do next after that, because of the unstable economy in the United States. Outside of my academic life, I am a general fan of Disney, especially the movies, because I am playing Disney Magic Kingdoms everyday, and I know that there is some pixie dust of magic everyday… Also, I love Mickey Mouse and the sensational six, because these are the characters I grew up with.

Edit as of May 8th, 2021!

I have that sudden psychic insight that I am taking Calculus 3 (MAT2675) instead of Differential Equations (MAT2680) for Spring 2021, because I was thinking that MAT2675 would be easier than MAT2680. For those who are still here, I will graduate with honors at June 3rd. For four semesters in City Tech, I always had to face challenges every time, but managed to overcome them in every possible way, due to support that my classmates and professors gave me. I just want to say thank you very much to all of them.

I will continue to be the student I am today, and to soar high to infinity and beyond!

The pandemic and I

While the pandemic have affected me considerably, I easily adapted to this situation during transition to online learning, because I have been usually staying home at the weekend, even when everything was normal (and safe). Unfortunately, the pandemic has closed many fast-food chains and stores permanently due to the unstable economy. In addition, I am not as excited to start this semester with 100% remote learning, but I will continue to work hard in all of my subjects, despite the problems we are facing here. Hopefully, we will get a vaccine for COVID-19, and our lives will be back to normal. For now, let’s just socially distance, wear a mask, and wash your hands… Stay safe everyone!


  1. Kevinces

    I felt the same way about math, in middle school I enjoyed math, I would understand everything just like that but once I got into high school i lost interest. Since i have started college, I’ve been regaining interest in math.

  2. Anthony Regner (A278+π)

    Looking back at my introduction, and some things have changed about me (MAT2675 instead of MAT2680). However, my fundamental identity remains the same (working hard, keen interest in mathematics, etc.) It has been about 4 ¹/₂ months since this course ended, and I just wanted to see how things are going here, and I will be graduating on June 3rd.

    (Yes, I know this course is dormant, but I just want to let you know that I am still here after all!)

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