Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

Assignment: practice with Dropbox

Due Sunday, September 6, 11:59pm

This assignment is intended for you to practice submitting written work using Dropbox. You won’t be doing any actual math for this assignment. You’ll just practice how you will submit your written work for future assignments.

While not required for this assignment, it would be helpful for you if you activate your free CUNY Dropbox account (instructions here).

The assignment has three parts; details for each part are below.

  1. Create a 2-page drawing on paper.
  2. Scan a your 2-page drawing to create a PDF.
  3. Submit the PDF.

Part 1: Create a 2-page drawing

  1. On the first page, draw a picture of your favorite animal trying to solve a calculus problem (don’t worry, your drawing doesn’t have to be good!). Write your name at the top of the page.
  2. On the second page, write a short description of your drawing. For example, “A penguin trying to find an antiderivative.” Write your name at the top of the page.

Part 2: Create a PDF

  1. If you already have a favorite way to scan your 2-page drawing, you may use that to create your 2-page PDF.
  2. One good option is to download the Dropbox app to your phone/tablet and follow the instructions here. Other options are Tiny Scanner or the Notes app if you have an iPhone.
  3. Before you scan your 2-page drawing, place your student ID card on top of the paper, so it’s included in the scan. Make sure your card doesn’t hide your cool drawing!
  4. Make sure the file format is set to PDF (not JPG!) and the document shows both pages of your 2-page drawing.
  5. Change the file name to your last name+MAT1575PracticeScan with no spaces (for example, if your name were Megan Stallion, your filename would be StallionMAT1575PracticeScan).

Part 3: Submit your PDF

  1. You’ll submit your PDF using a Dropbox file request. You do not need to be logged into your Dropbox account to submit a file.
    1. Just click on this link,
    2. fill out the information,
    3. and upload your file.
  2. You’ll get a confirmation email from Dropbox.

Dropbox file requests are pretty cool! Your PDF will be uploaded to a specific folder in my Dropbox account with your name attached—you won’t be able to see the folder yourself. For this assignment, Dropbox will allow you to submit your PDF after the deadline, but it will tell me that it was submitted late.

Technical problems?

The point of this assignment is to resolve any technical problems you might have creating and submitting a multi-page PDF. Later in the semester, you’ll submit written work in this way and you’ll have only a short time to do it, so make sure you figure out how to do it quickly now.

If you have any technical problems with any of these steps, write a comment below so your classmates and I can try to help you. Let us know what devices you have access to so that we can give you helpful advice.

1 Comment

  1. Aram

    Professor. I think that you can also use Microsoft Word to make a PDF of the drawing assignment and you can send that to Dropbox. Will that be acceptable for you or does our assignment have to be PDF from the dropbox scan?

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