A few short notes

  1.  Your next WebWork set–Partial Fractions–is due October 13. Have a nice weekend.
  2. I’ll try to have your tests graded for Tuesday’s class, but I might need more time than that. As soon as I have the grades, I’ll post them in Blackboard’s gradebook.
  3. I know this course is a lot of work and that you’re trying to balance it with all your other responsibilities. Unfortunately, that is not going to change and I cannot extend WebWork deadlines for you. You’ll notice that you’ve completed 9 WebWork assignments and there are still 18 assignments left to go. That said, if you have a sudden family or health emergency, just let me know and we’ll see what we can do. Otherwise, please do your best to stay on top of WebWork. There are 11 weeks left in the semester, which might sound like a long time, but at least it’s finite, and if you fall behind now you will not be able to catch up.
  4. Just a reminder, there are resources for you if you need help outside of class (and I expect you will need help since outside of class is where you do most of your practicing and learning)
    • My office hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10-11am, and by appointment.
    • Tutoring is available: Tutoring Flyer F2014
    • The Atrium Learning Center may also be of help.
    • Your most valuable resources are each other! There are 39 other people who are thinking about the exact same things you are. Working together in person is best, but sometimes communicating electronically is enough.
    • I’ll add a “Discussion” tab and category to our OpenLab site. Please feel free to post your own questions/answers/whatever you want and comment on each other’s posts. You create a post by clicking on the plus sign at the top of the screen. Make sure you click the “Discussion” category at the right-hand side before publishing. The “Publish” button is on the upper right of the screen.
    • I don’t really encourage it, but if you are stuck understanding a particular topic, it might help to search YouTube for videos that can explain it.
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