Grades will be posted in Blackboard‘s gradebook throughout the semester.

5% participation
5% projects
10% quizzes
10% WeBWorK
10% lowest term test
10% middle term test
20% highest term test
30% final exam


Homework will not be collected. Instead, online homework sets will be due, usually on Monday and Wednesday nights.

There will be a short quiz at the beginning of class each Thursday for weeks when there is no term test scheduled. Quiz questions will be based on homework questions from the textbook or from WeBWorK. Latecomers will not receive extra time. No make-up quizzes will be given.

There will be three tests given in class. Latecomers will not receive extra time. No make-up tests will be given. If you miss a test, inform Student Support Services (2nd floor of Library Building); if they approve the reason, your final exam grade will be used in place of the missed test grade. Any student who misses two tests will be automatically withdrawn from the class.
Tentative test dates:
Test 1: Thursday, September 26
Test 2: Thursday, October 24
Test 3: Tuesday, November 26

Final Exam:
The final exam will be given in class during the last class meeting of the semester. It covers all topics studied. It must be taken to pass the course.

Exam date: Thursday, December 19
The final exam accounts for 30% of your overall grade.

You may earn participation points by

  • sharing your work on the board during class
  • participating in OpenLab discussions
  • asking and answering questions in the Webwork-OpenLab “Ask for Help” forum
  • attending office hours
  • attending the tutoring center (ask the tutor for a verification slip)

Earn 20 participation points during the semester for full credit. Participation is worth 5% of your grade.


You will complete a few projects during the semester. Details will be announced in class. The projects are worth 5% of your grade.


Any student who stops attending the class before the last week of the semester without withdrawing officially will be assigned a grade of WU (unofficial withdrawal). This grade counts as an F toward your GPA and can affect financial aid status.

Drop date: Tuesday, November 5