We’ll finish up course material on Thursday, but you can get started on remaining Webwork sets now.

  • Complex Numbers – Direction
    • you can complete all problems now
    • “argument” means “angle” or “direction”
  • Complex Numbers – Magnitude
    • you can complete all problems now
  • Complex Numbers – Polar Form
    • you can complete most problems now
    • you can find the modulus (magnitude) and angle or $a+bi$ form of complex numbers $\zeta$ now
    • ignore questions asking you for the product $\zeta_1 \cdot \zeta_2$ or quotient $\zeta_1 \div \zeta_2$ until after Thursday’s class
  • Vectors – Components
    • you can complete all problems now
  • Vectors – Magnitude and Direction
    • you can complete all problems now
  • Vectors – Unit Vectors
    • ignore this set until after Thursday’s class