Here is the flyer for tomorrow’s credit card workshop. I don’t know what exactly will be presented in the workshop but I assume it will be incredibly useful and will build on the work you’ve been doing in all three parts of the project.
Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier
I’m going through your Part #1 of your projects now and somebody has entered the name “JT.” Apparently, it’s not the only person in the class with those initials. If you are JT, please let me know who you are so I can give you credit for your work.
I wrote the wrong sections for Test #3 on the board today. As announced many times throughout the semester, Test #3 covers the green sections on the schedule, so Sections 13-20.
For the Webwork questions where you are manipulating a graph to match the formula of the function, determine the amplitude, phase shift, and period first. When you’re dragging points, if you change the phase shift, it might alter your period (especially if you’re trying to do this on a phone instead of a computer) so change the phase shift first, then your period.
For the Webwork questions where you are given graphs and entering formulas, click on the picture of the graph to enlarge it. You’ll be better able to see the scale on the x-axis this way.
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