Hello,  my name is Josue Nunez and I also introduce myself as Josh/Joshua (this is to save time and skip over the part when people try to pronounce it) any one of these is good to use. My major is Computer Science, I don’t really have a burning passion for my major I’m studying this because I just haven’t found anything I’m passionate, although you may say that the main reason I’m doing this is so that I can have a good paycheck and not go through 6+ years of college. The future math classes I’ll be taking will be calculus (1 and 2), Discrete Structures & Algorithms (1 and 2), Introduction to linear algebra, General physics, and lastly Mathematical & Quantum Reasoning. Yeah, I know.  Goals for after I graduate would be to live on my own and financially stable enough to buy my necessities plus or minus a car. That was my short term goal, my long term goal would be to get married and start a family, I’m not doing this college thing only for myself,  I also need to make enough to supply their needs, because I don’t want to be someone who can’t.